
Bispo do Sudão morre enquanto celebrava a eucaristia

Deixou, antes de mais, o exemplo do que é ser missionário: dar a sua vida pelos outros em nome de Cristo.
Deixou ainda palavras sábias sobre as ONGs que actuam em África e sobre as relações com os muçulmanos.
Leia tudo

Hace poco más de un mes ReL recogía en una entrevista las esperanzas de Cesare Mazzolari, obispo de Rumbek desde 1998 (de facto, como administrador apostólico, desde 1990), ante el nacimiento de Sudán del Sur, nuevo país católico de África segregado de la intolerancia islámica de Sudán del Norte.
Este sábado, festividad de la Virgen del Carmen, monseñor Mazzolari, comboniano italiano de 74 años, que era parte de esa misma esperanza, ha muerto en su tierra de acogida mientras celebraba la misa dominical. Llegado el momento de la consagración, las fuerzas le fallaron y se derrumbó en una silla. Inmediatamente fue trasladado al hospital público de Rumbek, donde ya no pudieron evitar su fallecimiento a consecuencia de la enfermedad que padecía.
La muerte de este misionero ha causado estupor y dolor no sólo en Sudán del Sur, sino también en África. Y se valora su condición de misionero "a la antigua", en el sentido de valorar por encima de todo la sobrenaturalidad de su misión, más allá del bien que pudiese hacer en el plano meramente material.
Así lo expresa en su blog Sandro Magister, quien lo llama por eso un misionero "verdadero" y reproduce un esclarecedor texto, correspondiente al libro-entrevista con Lorenzo Fazzini que acaba de publicarse en Italia.

Especialmente sobre tres puntos.
Misiones, ONG, la realidad musulmana
Primero, la naturaleza del misionero: "Nuestro sustrato auténtico es la fe... La gente sabe que cogemos la malaria como ellos, y que sin embargo nos quedamos aquí. Creo que el hecho de permanecer con ellos y de intentar ayudarles, aunque sea de manera limitada, significa algo muy concreto para los africanos: ´¡También vosotros sois importantes!´... A los misioneros no nos gusta hacernos las víctimas. Todo procede de una vocación que no nos hemos dado a nosotros mismos y que ni siquiera se mantiene por nuestra inclinación o nuestra buena voluntad. Es algo que Dios nos ha dado. Y que no vale de una vez para siempre, hay que pedir cada día la perseverancia. No es la rutina la que te impulsa a seguir, sino la gracia del Señor".

Segundo, su diferencia con las ONG: "Gente que hace el bien hay mucha. Algunos incluso nos pasan por las narices lo que hacen cuando llegan con muchos medios. Pero esos ´benefactores´ que vienen aquí no garantizan la continuidad. Vuelven a casa y escriben un gran libro sobre lo que han hecho... pero la gente de aquí no mejora. Lo que buscamos los misioneros no son sólo obras externas, porque no es eso sólo lo que representa la promoción humana ni lo que constituye un auténtico desarrollo. Lo que cambia las cosas es el sacrificio de la persona que viene aquí, se olvida un poco de sí misma y se dedica a los demás... Por eso muchos donantes nos confían sus obras, porque saben que la Iglesia se queda, permanece, lo desafía todo, está con la gente de a pie".

Por último, unas observaciones interesantes sobre el problema musulmán en Italia, válidas para cualquier otro país de Europa: "No es fácil tratar con un pueblo como el islámico. Deberíamos haber conocido mejor su historia y haber dispuesto una legislación más selectiva para ver si teníamos posibilidades de convertirlos en ciudadanos italianos de forma que se integrasen de verdad. Algo, por cierto, nada fácil. Aun sin conocerles, en algunos casos hemos llegado a ofrecerles nuestras iglesias como mezquitas. No hemos comprendido que los musulmanes son posesivos e invasores, y crean jaleo y confusión hasta el final. No tienen ningún respeto por quien no sea de los suyos. Hemos hecho un pacto con los ojos cerrados, hemos practicado una acogida a ciegas, no informada".
Read more at www.religionenlibertad.com


A situação desesperada do católicos no Vietnemane

Esta história mostra várias coisas: que o cristianismo é o principal inimigo do comunismo, historicamente e no presente, não porque os cristãos o desejem, mas porque os comunistas o afirmaram múltiplas vezes e porque tratam os cristãos como tal. Mostra também que o comunismo global não está morto e continua a espalhar o seu terror intrínseco e a miséria pelos locais onde se instala.

The desperate plight of Catholics in Vietnam – one priest’s story
By Alan Holdren and David Kerr

Rome, Italy, Jul 15, 2011 / 05:53 am (CNA).- “If I return now, they will throw me in jail and kill me.” These are the frank words that mark an encounter with Father Peter Nguyen Khai, a 41-year-old Vietnamese priest living in Rome.

His crime? Not hiding his Catholic faith.

Father Peter Nguyen Khai

“My parents taught me how to pray daily and keep the faith in our home, but we never went to church,” says Fr. Khai who grew up in the predominantly Catholic village of Phuc Nhac in the Ninh Binh province of northern Vietnam.

“I learned that the government did not allow the parishioners to gather for worship at the church. Attending Holy Mass, therefore, was a special treat for me.”

It is a situation that many Vietnamese Catholics simply had to learn to live with. For Fr. Khai, though, any thoughts of quietly co-existing with the regime evaporated following one particular boyhood experience.

“One day, I saw a mentally ill woman who used to wander around the village. She came to the church in tears, banging on its front door with her skinny hands and crying out with great anguish: ‘The church is still here, but where is Father?’”

“Father” was a local pastor, Fr. Matthew Hau, who a few years before had been arrested, tortured and killed by the local communist authorities. A vicious persecution of all the Catholics in the village then ensued – the Khai family included.

“After learning the story of Fr. Matthew Hau and his heroic acts to the end of his life in order to protect the faith of his people, especially the accounts of his arrest, torture and senseless murder, I suddenly had a strong desire to become a priest—a “Father” like him,” says Fr. Khai. 

And so began 12 years of clandestine formation with just one aim – to become a Catholic priest.

Initially he sought out the only surviving Redemptorist priest in northern Vietnam, a member of his extended family, Fr. Joseph Bich. Under the pretense of being the old man’s caretaker, Fr. Khai studied at Fr. Bich’s home in Hanoi.

“Unfortunately, the police in Hanoi suspected my real reason. They summoned me repeatedly to the local precinct for interrogation and put all kinds of pressure on Fr. Joseph Bich.” 

And so, Fr. Khai set off for the relative safety of Saigon in the south of the country. It was here after years of secret studying, says Fr. Kwai, “I was secretly ordained to the priesthood in a small room on the night of September 25, 2001.”

Thus began a decade of priestly ministry to the Catholic population in both north and south Vietnam, often playing a game of cat-and-mouse with the communist authorities.

However in 2010, “after a few years of leading the faithful,” says Fr. Khai “in highly publicized quests for justice and truth against the oppression of the communist government,” his superiors decided to send him to Rome.

Unable to leave the country legally, he made a dangerous trek across the Vietnamese border into Laos and on to Thailand.

“After many perilous days during which I had more than once confronted the fear of death, I arrived in Bangkok,” the Thai capital.

“Throughout these escape episodes I knew that St. Joseph was protecting me in a special way. His own story of leading Mary and the baby Jesus to safety remained my constant hope and inspiration,” says Fr. Khai.

In Rome, his campaign for the Catholics of Vietnam continues. He shares photos of peaceful protest and prayer being suppressed by riot police, images of tear gas being used and women being beaten. He even shows prints of babies who, he claims, were forcibly aborted by the authorities. Fr. Khai says he carried out proper burials on each one.

He says the past few months spent “at the heart of the Church” has only deepened his “love and devotion to the causes of my Catholic brothers and sisters back home who still struggle and suffer every day for their faith in a ruthless regime.”

That suffering, he says, is “systematic” and “cunning” and comes in many guises from interference in episcopal appointments down to everyday discrimination in politics, the law and freedom of worship.

“The government uses all forces at their disposal, including the state media, the political apparatus, the laws and the public education system to stop the growth of the Catholic Church at all costs.”

“Catholics in every part of Vietnam are considered second-class citizens, deserving discrimination in legal treatment” he concludes.

His key message is that he not only wants the outside world to protest but also to pray for Vietnam, a country he believes is ripe for the message of Jesus Christ and the Gospel.

“Vietnamese society as a whole is thirsty for truth and justice and their result which is peace. They are tired of living under a regime full of lies, corruption and unjust treatment.”

“When the Catholic leadership is strong in promoting these fundamental values, they earn the respect and loyalty of the poor, the educated and the young people who are seeking.”

Read more at www.catholicnewsagency.com


Greenfield: «A permanente guerra civil islâmica »

O problema dos artigos de Daniel Greenfield é que são grandes e compostos apenas de chicha, sem gorduras que se possam extirpar. Há que lê-los integralmente:

Amplify’d from sultanknish.blogspot.com
What the misreading of the Arab Spring as a revolutionary wave of democracy, rather than an explosion of existing tensions and longstanding civil wars, points to most is how thoroughly the 21st century Middle East expert has unlearned everything that his 19th century predecessor knew about the Muslim world.
The 19th century expert understood the Muslim world as essentially unchanging, seething with revolts and dynastic struggles, but still shackled to the chains of its cultural and moral limitations. But the 21st century expert insists on a progressive version of history, in which humanity is always moving upward. Where each event, good or bad, is a phase in historical development.

A 150 years ago, a Western observer reporting on a Muslim ruler being driven out of power by an alliance of oligarchies and an angry mob would have said that it was the same sort of thing that had been going on in the region forever. His conclusion might have been cynical, even bigoted, but it would have also been realistic.

The 21st century expert is too busy looking to the future to notice the past. The only history in the Muslim world that he is concerned with is colonial history, the tale of wrongs inflicted by Europeans on the noble inhabitants, and of the tremendous culture and great achievements of the locals. This mishmash of history informs him that the advancement of the Muslim world was aborted by Western imperialism. And when Western imperialism is finally and utterly destroyed, then the Muslim world will resume its high standards of civic culture.

The Arab Spring, with its violent overthrow of Western backed rulers, seems promising to him. Finally progressive organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood will have their chance to restore an advanced civilizations to the noble principles of the Koran.

There is nothing wrong with this formulation that he can see. "Everyone" knows that Islam is better, kinder, nobler and more technically advanced than Christianity or Judaism. It may have its fundamentalists lurking in dark caves, but what of abortion clinic bombers and settlers. When the Islamists are in charge-- surely a new era of freedom and enlightenment will follow.

Even the secularists are no better. Democracy is their idol, and the ballot box their altar. But what does democracy mean to nations divided by ethnicity, tribe and religion. And how does one negotiate a consensus through such irresolvable identities?

Lebanon is a demonstration of what multiculturalism mixed with Islam looks like in even a modern area with heavy European influence. A permanent civil war that can never be peacefully resolved. The Muslim world is no more peaceful, only more pacified by tyrants and tanks. Take away the tyrant and his tanks, and the civil war resumes, until it is pacified by another tyrant. The cycle repeats itself endlessly.

The Soviet Union was once referred to as a "Prison of Nations". But then so are all empires. The Muslim world is a broken empire, a vast collection of scattered pieces, subjugated peoples, wrecked cultures, sullen tribes and rival families crowded together into one Muslim identity. With nothing in common but their hatred of the infidel.

The Muslim world can never be at peace, because Muslims are not at peace with themselves. And their governments are built on some form of negotiated alliance, just as can be seen in its crude form in Afghanistan where warlords pledge allegiance in exchange for bribes, between tribes, communities and powerful families. When the alliance shifts or a ruler shows weakness, the infrastructure of government comes tumbling down.
The Arab Spring is an unglamorous as all that. Not any different at its base than an Afghan warlord changing his loyalties. For all that it's dressed up in Twitter activism, posed photos and banners-- it's the same game with a better logo. Mobs didn't begin overthrowing Arab rulers when Twitter was invented. They won't stop when everyone has forgotten what Twitter was.

Without progress, the future can only be an imperfect continuation of the past. And progress comes from self-doubt leading to reform. Reform is not a matter of denouncing politicians, but of denouncing yourself. The Muslim world is full of denunciations, but they are strictly partisan and external. The family blames the tribe. The tribe blames the party. The party blames the government. The government blames the Turks, the English, the Zionists or the Americans. Thus the problem is exorcised and immortalized.

Blame is assigned to a foreign scapegoat. And the 21st century expert pursues the scapegoat whether it's American foreign policy or Israeli settlements or the price of wheat or the World Trade Organization. And this is what makes him, with his Kindle displaying the latest issue of The Economist, his watch set to three time zones, and his Flickr page full of photos of him posing with native boys, so much dimmer than his 19th century predecessor. It's not so much what he knows, as what he doesn't know, and has no idea that he doesn't know. And wouldn't listen to if he were told.

Eventually the scapegoat is corralled, kicked and beaten. A revolution ensues. The crowds cheer. Photos are taken of protesters heroically tossing Molotov cocktails through the air at the police. A decade later the protesters are wearing police uniforms and torturing protesters in hidden cellars. Whatever freedom there was under the previous regime has dissipated. Everyone lives in fear and blames the 21st century experts and their foreign policy for it.

This Groundhog Day is so difficult to dismiss because it is embedded in the very fractures that caused all this to come about. The Islamic conquests did not bring forth a golden age, but an age of slaves. Millions of peoples had their culture partly or wholly destroyed. Then after the caliphates fell, the Western democracies came in, colored in their borders and expected everything to go alright so long as there were regular elections.

The Muslim world only has Islam as its common consensus, and the only means of governance that it offers is rule by conquest, and authority through Quranic scripture. Neither of those represent any sort of enduring consensus. The kings who trace their lineage back to Mohammed and the Imams who shout for democracy, so long as it puts them in power, are the pathetic end of this fractured philosophy.

There are high minded ideals aplenty, but no way to implement them. Muslims soothe each other with stories of their own nobility and greatness, useless substitutes for the real thing. But a government that isn't composed of a handful of powerful families, an army colonel or an oligarchy of clerics is a rare thing. And none of these can last.

The Hashemites went from ruling three countries, to ruling a small kingdom under Israeli and American protection. The Saudis who replaced them may fall just as quickly when the wheel turns. Egypt may be headed toward clerical rule, just as Iran is headed away from it. And if not that, then military rule. One old mistake will do as well as another.
Tellingly what doesn't work is democracy. Democracy didn't keep the Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq from killing each other. Or the Kurds from carving out their own separate state. And it didn't keep the Christians from being hounded out. These divisions are adequate testimony to the cultural inadequacy of trying to build a national consensus on so thin a soil.

The Muslim world prides itself on its wisdom, but its wisdom is futility. It can see conspiracies in a grain of sand, but not redeem its own flaws or treat its own wounds. Mohammed and his successors did not unite the peoples who fell under their rule, they retarded them. They made it impossible for them to develop and then wrapped that retardation in the banner of Islam. And out of that has come the permanent Muslim civil war.

What boils in the streets of great cities is the same pattern of violence and betrayal, aspiration and disintegration, that played out long ago on the hot desert sands. The conflicts of cultures unable to move past their own tribalism. Unwilling to leave behind the chains of their past and become true peoples and nations, rather than the slaves of Islam.
Read more at sultanknish.blogspot.com


O Pe. Botros, Flagelo do Islão, está de volta

É árabe e cristão. Lê o Alcorão e discute-o com quem tem coragem de o fazer. Fala aos corações e às mentes e às almas dos muçulmanos. É considerado instrumento de milhões de conversões de muçulmanos a Cristo. Por isso, é o Inimigo nº 1 do islão e sob ele pende uma fatwa que promete 60.000.000 de dólares a quem o matar.
É o Padre Zakaria Botros. Que Deus o assista!

Amplify’d from www.raymondibrahim.com

Father Zakaria Botros, also known as Islam's "Public Enemy #1," is back.

Scourge of Islam; Lover of Muslims

From around 2005-2010, this 76 year-old Coptic priest was Islam's bane. Appearing weekly on Arabic satellite, where he was viewed by an estimated 60 million people worldwide, mostly Muslims, he meticulously exposed any number of theological problems with Islam—all from Islam's own books—while simultaneously evangelizing from his own book, the Bible.

His mission "is to attack Islam, not to attack Muslims but to save them because they are deceived. As I love Muslims, I hate Islam."

And he has been effective: Mass conversions to Christianity, open and clandestine, have resulted. Indeed, years back al-Jazeera aired a segment complaining about Fr. Zakaria's "unprecedented evangelical raid" on the Muslim world; similarly, one Sheikh Ahmad al-Qatani lamented that as many as six million Muslims annually "apostatize" to Christianity.

Unsurprisingly, Fr. Zakaria's exploits caused al-Qaeda to proclaim him "one of the most wanted infidels in the world," putting a $60 million bounty on his head; undeterred, the priest kept going, his viewers and converts multiplying by the week.

Then, in May 2010, after a particularly graphic episode on Muhammad, his shows inexplicably stopped airing. His enemies exulted. Muslim leaders, preachers, and sheikhs appeared on TV, gleefully announcing that Allah had silenced the great enemy of Islam.

Yet, over a year after his many foes—external and internal, Muslim and non-Muslim—have managed to stifle him, Fr. Zakaria is back on satellite, now with his own station Fady TV (Redeemer TV), "a channel for those searching for the truth."

Though other Islam-critics and evangelists have appeared on Arabic satellite since, many with a good following, it is clear that people have not forgotten the priest, the original trailblazer of open and honest talk on Islam—the original scourge of Islam.

Watching the first episode of his new show, "Knowledge of the Truth," was like witnessing a reunion between a lost flock and its spiritual shepherd. Viewer after viewer—Christians and Muslims, much more of the latter—called in to express how much they had sorely missed the evangelist, and how happy they were to see him again, some in tears, others in joyous laughter.

And while their words were full of sincere and enthusiastic praise—many insisted that he is a living saint, others a modern day St. Paul—it was only when an elderly-sounding woman asserted that everyone must support Fr. Zakaria, not for his sake, but for the sake of his work liberating Muslims from bondage, that the normally stoic Zakaria broke down in tears.

Why is Fr. Zakaria so loved—and hated? For starters, as a native Arabic-speaker, he takes his message straight to the heart of the Islamic world; as a man of God, he takes his message straight to the heart of Muslims—something the Western approach cannot achieve.

You see, while Western critics are limited to making secular arguments against specific aspects of Islam—for instance, that it is illiberal, intolerant, sexist—he makes spiritual arguments against the very foundations of the religion.

This is not to say that Western polemics are not beneficial; they are, in that they awaken Western peoples to the nature of Islam. However, arguing or even proving that Islam falls short of Western/secular standards has little impact on Muslims—except perhaps to make them more tenacious of their faith (the inevitable result of comparing apples and oranges).

But an attack on the veracity of the religion itself—an attack articulated through a spiritual as opposed to a secular paradigm—must be confronted by Muslims.

In short, Fr. Zakaria's success rests in the fact that he fights fire with fire; that he speaks the same language Muslims do—not just literally, Arabic, but more importantly, figuratively, the language of religion and faith, the language of God. He cannot simply be ignored.

For example, during this, his first episode, he discussed Sheikh Huwaini's recent assertions that Islam advocates plundering, enslaving, buying, and selling infidels. Many have written about this anecdote either to show that Islam is intrinsically violent, or that "radical Islamism" is spreading, or that Islamic teachings are incompatible with the West.

But Fr. Zakaria takes it a step further—takes it right to the heart of the matter. After asserting that "God created mankind in his image," he sincerely addressed his Muslim viewers: "Would God truly want you to kill your neighbor, to enslave him? Would the Almighty truly want believers to buy and sell other human beings like animals? Think people! Use your minds, listen to your hearts—for your souls are at stake!"

The same reason the secular mindset may find this approach too simplistic or "unsophisticated" is the same reason it is far from comprehending Islam.

Still in its early stages of development and financially challenged, Fady TV has yet to reach the Middle East, where the real battle for souls is waged, though the priest is hopeful. The station is set to air entire programs dedicated to examining various topics in depth, including the Koran, the Hadith, Muhammad, and Allah.

As I previously did, I plan on following and summarizing Fr. Zakaria's programs. See for example "The Perverse Sexual Habits of the Prophet" and "Was Muhammad a Messenger from God or Satan?" for a sampling.

For more information on this singular priest, read his exclusive 2009 FPM interview, wherein he discussed his life story, including the torments he experienced for preaching to Muslims in Egypt. Also, to get a feel for his very "non-dhimmi" approach, watch his famous "Ten Demands of Islam."

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Austrália: consultor despedido por ler o Alcorão, citá-lo e tirar conclusões lógicas

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org

What did Joseph Adams say that was inaccurate? What did he say that was false? If Muhammad was not "the first terrorist of Islam," did he not say that he was, according to Islamic tradition? "I have been made victorious through terror" (Bukhari 4.52.220).

"Lib adviser sacked after anti-Islam web posts," by Heath Aston for the Sydney Morning Herald, July 10:

THE O'Farrell government has been embarrassed by a Liberal adviser who posted anti-Islamic comments online, including a description of the Prophet Muhammad as ''the first terrorist of Islam''.

Joseph Adams, who worked in the electorate office of the Smithfield Liberal, Andrew Rohan, was sacked on Friday. Mr Adams, pictured, had angered some of his 1000 Facebook friends - which include 15 state government MPs and four ministers - with selected excerpts from the Koran which he said prove Islam promotes killing, not love.

He was labelled a ''bigot'' and the ''biggest f---ing racist ever'' by shocked friends.

What race is Islam again?

A record of his posts between March 24 and June 17, obtained by The Sun-Herald, show the criticism only spurred him on to make more offensive remarks.

''The religious babble you refer to is Islam,'' he commented on June 4. ''There was no war. It was terrorism. Muhammad was the first terrorist in the name of Islam.''

He followed up with: "Why are you getting upset? I'm not the one who is teaching others to kill in the name of Islam. Mohommed is not my hero.''

Do Islamic jihadists not kill in the name of Islam? They consistently and unanimously explain and justify their actions with references to Islamic texts and teachings.

On March 24, he taunted ''friend'' Faten Dabs with the comment: ''If you leave Islam it is HALAL for you to be EXECUTED. Lol. No wonder people are afraid to leave Islam.''

Does Islam not have a death penalty for apostasy? Do not all the sects of Islam and schools of Islamic jurisprudence teach this? Did not Muhammad say, according to Islamic tradition, "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him" (Bukhari 9.84.57)?

After being branded a bigot on Facebook , he responded: ''Your biblical quotes are as ridiculous as your comparisons. I guess you never paid attention at Sunday school. Jesus spoke in parables. Mohommed on the other hand gave orders to kill.

Did not Muhammad say, according to Islamic tradition, "If you gain a victory over the men of Jews, kill them" (Sunan Abu Dawud, 19.2996)?

''You seem to like standing up for killers and murderers. Is Ivan Milat a good person too? Perhaps you think Hitler was a great Prophet too? After all he did put a book together called Mein Kampf. Don't waste our time here Aaron. The only bigot here is someone with an uninformed view.''


Mr Adams, who identifies himself as an Australian of Assyrian Christian descent, told The Sun-Herald on Friday that he was not ''thinking politically'' when he made the remarks.

''Rather than listen to what people say about the Koran I decided I would read it myself,'' he said.

''It was nothing political, it was out of pure emotion. I didn't think it would be used against me and people would accuse me of being racist.

''What I did was a mistake, I did not think it would be used for political purposes. In my mind I was living in a free society where we value free speech. Why should religion be a taboo subject?''


But the Premier, Barry O'Farrell, did not agree. Late on Friday a government spokesman said in a statement: ''The comments were totally inappropriate and the staff member has already been terminated.''

Gutless dhimmi.

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

«Os idiotas úteis do islão»

Los idiotas útiles del Islam.
Por Amil Imani
Amil Imani es un americano de origen iraní. Cronista, traductor, ensayista y militante por la democracia y los derechos humanos. El se ha dado como misión dar la alarma sobre el peligro del islamofascismo supremacista que se expande por el mundo libre.
Él invita a los iraníes a liberarse del yugo del Islam y de sus mulas, y a renovar con el rico patrimonio de la civilización persa pre-islámicas.
Le mensaje d de su artículo: el infierno está pavimentado de buenas intenciones donde se pasa en 30 años del "socialismo con rostro humano" de los gulags soviéticos al Islam, “la religión del amor, la tolerancia y de la paz”

Amil Imani, 1 de Julio de 2011

El Islam cuenta con un aliado importante e influyente entre los no-musulmanes: Una nueva generación de "idiotas útiles",  a los que Lenin identificó viviendo en las democracias liberales, que fomentaron el trabajo del comunismo. Esta nueva generación de idiotas útiles que también viven en las democracias liberales, pero sirven a la causa de islamofascismo -otra forma virulenta de la ideología totalitaria.


Los diotas útiles son ingenuos, son tontos, son ignorantes de los hechos, ellos son excesivamente idealistas, son soñadores y deliberadamente son incapaces de aceptar la realidad o engañosos. Provienen de las filas de los infelices crónicos. Ellos son anarquistas, son aspirantes revolucionarios, son neuróticos que están en guerra con la vida, los descontentos alejados de gobierno, corporaciones, y de casi todas las instituciones de la sociedad. El idiota útil puede ser un millonario, una estrella de cine, un académico de renombre, un político, o pertenecer a cualquier otro segmento de la población. Sin duda, la variante más peligrosa del idiota útil es el "políticamente correcto". Él es el maestro principal del eufemismo, de cobertura, del doble sentido, y del engaño descarado.


El idiota útil tiene satisfacción en ser anti-establishment. Él encuentra satisfacción perversa en la ayuda a las fuerzas que tienen como objetivo desmantelar un orden existente, lo que puede ser: un orden al que no aprueba ni al que siente pertenecer.

El idiota útil es conflictivo y deshonesto. Él puede mirar dentro de sí mismo y descubrir las causas de sus problemas e infelicidad, mientras que fácilmente se alista en causas que validan su percepción distorsionada.


Evidentemente, es más fácil culpar a los demás y el mundo exterior que examinarse a sí mismo con la vista puesta en el auto-descubrimiento y auto-superación. Por otra parte, la critica y queja de las prácticas liberales del idiota útil requiere poco de talento y energía. El idiota útil es un gran filósofo de sillón y “estratega del lunes por la mañana."


El idiota útil no es lo mismo que una persona que tiene un punto de vista honestamente diferente. Una sociedad sin diferentes opiniones honestas y abiertas es una sociedad muerta. Ideas críticas, diferentes y frescas son la sangre vital de una sociedad viva  –son el verdadero anatema de las autocracias, donde la posición oficial es sacrosanta.

Incluso una persona "normal" gasta mucha más energía con el objetivo de arreglar las cosas que funcionan que para superar sus propios defectos y carencias, o contribuir positivamente a la sociedad en general. A la gente no le gusta hacer un balance de lo que está haciendo o no haciendo que es responsable de las condiciones de los que lo desaprueban.


Pero el idiota útil se toma las cosas mucho más lejos. El idiota útil, entre otras cosas, es un profesional en buscar chivos expiatorios. Él le asigna la culpa a los demás mientras se absuelve de toda la responsabilidad, tiene una larga lista de candidatos a mano para culparles de cualquier cosa y de todo, y por vivir una vida distorsionada que contribuye a los males de la sociedad.

El idiota útil, incluso puede participar en la desinformación y el engaño intencional cuando le conviene. Términos tales como "Islam político", o "Islam radical", por ejemplo, son las contribuciones de los tontos útiles. Estos términos ni siquiera existen en el lenguaje nativo del Islam, simplemente porque son redundantes. Islam, por su propia naturaleza y de acuerdo con sus estatutos -el Corán- es un movimiento político radical. Es el idiota útil  el que desinfecta el Islam y desvía a la población diciendo que el "Islam verdadero" constituye el cuerpo principal de la religión, y que este cuerpo principal es de carácter no político y moderado.


Lamentablemente, una gran parte de la población va de la mano con estos eufemismos absurdos sobre lo que representa el Islam, porque prefiere creerlos. Es menos amenazante creer que solamente un segmento pequeño de secuestrados del Islam es radical o conducido por motivaciones políticas y que el cuerpo principal del Islam es de hecho moderado y apolítico.


Pero el Islam es político hasta la médula. En el Islam la Mezquita y el Estado son uno y  la Mezquita es el Estado. Este acuerdo se remonta a la época del mismo Muhammad. El Islam es también radical en extremo. Incluso el Islam "moderado" es radical en sus creencias, así como sus obras. Los musulmanes creen que todos los no-musulmanes, sin excepción, están confinados a ir al fuego del infierno y bien merecen ser maltratados en comparación con los creyentes.

Ningún acto de barbarie radical de depravación es impensable para los musulmanes en el trato con los demás. Ellos han destruido preciosas estatuas de Buda, nivelado monumentos sagrados de otras religiones, y arrasado los cementerios de los no-musulmanes, algunos ejemplos de su extremos desprecio hacia los demás.


Los musulmanes son radicales, incluso en sus relaciones con los correligionarios. Las distintas sectas y sub sectas consideran a las otras sectas y sub-sectas herejes dignas de muerte; las mujeres son tratadas como esclavas, privadas de muchos derechos, se cortan las manos por robar ni siquiera un pedazo de pan; la violación sexual se castiga con la lapidación, y mucho, mucho, más. Estos son estándares del día a día de la corriente "moderada" de los musulmanes que viven bajo las leyes de la edad de piedra de la Shari´a.

La "corriente principal moderada" del Islam ha sido francamente genocida desde su inicio. Su propios historiadores recuerdan que Ali, el primer imám de los chiítas y yerno de Muhammad, con la ayuda de otro hombre, decapitó a 700 hombres judíos ante la presencia del Profeta. El Profeta de Alá y sus discípulos tomaron las mujeres de los hombres asesinados y sus niños en esclavitud. Los musulmanes han sido y siguen siendo los  más crueles y descarados  profesionales de la esclavitud. El comercio de esclavos, incluso hoy en día, es un negocio próspero en algunos países islámicos, donde los pervertidos jeques ricos compran a los traficantes hijos de pobres para su satisfacción sádica.


A los musulmanes se les enseña el engaño y la mentira en el mismo Corán, algo que Muhammad practicó durante su vida cada vez que le resultaba conveniente. Los sucesivos gobernantes islámicos y sus líderes han hecho lo mismo. Jomeini, el fundador de la Revolución Iraní de 1979, por ejemplo, reunió a la gente bajo la bandera de la democracia. Todo su apoyo a la democracia no era el compromiso de un hombre honesto, sino una artimaña. Tan pronto como él controló las riendas del poder, Jomeini fue con venganza detrás de los idiotas útiles de su tiempo.

Esos mejores niños de Irán, habiendo sido engañados y usados a fondo por el astuto farsante populista y fanático religioso, tuvieron que huir del país para evitar el destino de las decenas de millares que fueron encarcelados o ejecutados por el imán traidor.

Casi tres décadas después de la trágica Revolución Islámica de 1979, el sofocante gobierno del Islam proyecta su muerte, extendiendo su manto de muerte sobre los iraníes. Un pueblo orgulloso con envidiable herencia está siendo sistemáticamente purgado de su sentido de identidad y obligado a pensar y comportarse como los bárbaros e intolerantes musulmanes. Los iraníes, que siempre habían tratado a las mujeres con igualdad, por ejemplo, las han visto reducidas por el clero de la edad de piedra al estatus sub-humano de la enseñanza islámica. Cualquier intento por parte de las mujeres de Irán para hacer frente a la regla de misógino de los mulás de Muhammad es reprimido despiadadamente. Las mujeres son golpeadas, encarceladas, violadas y asesinadas al igual que los hombres son sacrificados sin el debido proceso o misericordia.


La lección es clara. Tengan cuidado de los idiotas útiles que viven en las democracias liberales. A sabiendas o no, ellos sirven como los más grandes voluntarios y soldados efectivos del Islam. Ellos allanan el camino para el avance del Islam y ellos seguramente serán unas de las primeras víctimas del Islam tan pronto como éste asuma el poder.


FamilySecurityMatters.org http://www.fsmarchives.org/  editor colaborador Amil Imani es una escritor iraní-estadounidense, poeta, escritor satírico, novelista, ensayista, traductor literario, conferencisante y analista político que ha estado escribiendo y hablando sobre el peligro del Islam radical, tanto en América como internacionalmente. Se ha convertido en una voz formidable en los Estados Unidos contra el peligro del Yihad global y la islamización de América. Él mantiene un sitio web en www.amilimani.com

.Amil Imani es el autor del libro fascinante y el próximo thriller de Operation Persian Gulf.



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A verdade é como o azeite e libertar-nos-á

O povo diz que «a verdade é como o azeite: acaba sempre por vir ao de cima»; Jesus disse que a verdade nos há-de libertar (Jo. 8:32[http://goo.gl/oTThs]).
O caso em apreço no artigo infra revela a justeza das frase citadas. Convém é que haja media atentos e dispostos a investigar:

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How the Dutch Gaza Flotilla Backfired Politically

A fascinating tale of contemporary political warfare.
July 4, 2011 - 7:05 pm - by Yochanan Visser
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A Dutch ship was organized as part of the Gaza flotilla in order to help Hamas, portray that effort has humanitarian, and create anti-Israel sentiment. The story of how this effort backfired is a fascinating tale of contemporary political warfare. Indeed, the end result has been to make the Dutch debate more pro-Israel and anti-Islamist.

Many articles — often with Dutch Internet media taking the lead — exposed alliances between Dutch far leftists and local Islamists who, together with some Christian groups, formed the organization Nederland-Gaza organizing Dutch participation in the second Gaza flotilla. The result has been a serious public debate and an actual increase in pro-Israel activity and support in the country.

As a result of the organizers’ extremism exposed by these reports, all of the Dutch journalists scheduled to sail to Gaza quit, complaining of the flotilla’s “dictatorial atmosphere, paranoia and mutual distrust.”

The Dutch blog KeesjeMaduraatje was one of the first to publish material about extremist elements in the second Gaza flotilla, revealing that Free Gaza Holland’s chairman, Rob Groenhuizen, was a convicted communist extremist who used to be a member of Dutch groups affiliated with the German terrorist Rote Armee Fraktion.

Groenhuizen’s group also had ties with the Palestinian terrorist organization PLFP and members participated in a terrorist training camp in Yemen in 1976.

In an e-mail exchange, Groenhuizen’s wrote about the second flotilla’s real goal:

This game about humanitarian aid is part of a tremendous plot — something that Israel tries to postpone as long as possible — but with every uprising in the Arab world and each mistake Israel makes, the end is coming nearer. … Everybody knows Israel is not sustainable.

Another Dutch  blogger, Carel Brendel, recently revealed more details about ties between Nederland-Gaza, Islamist groups in Europe, and Hamas in Gaza. On June 18 Brendel wrote that he had found evidence that the Italian NGO Associazione Benefica di Solidarieta con il Popolo Pelaestinense (ABSPP) and the Dutch NGO ISRAA  each had donated 100.000 euros for the purchase of the Dutch/Italian boat .

Dutch Hamas member Amin Abu Rashed, who was arrested last year on the Mavi Marmara, the Turkish ship  in the first flotilla, is co-founder of ISRAA, a Dutch Islamic charity. Rashed also co-founded the European Campaign to End the Siege of Gaza (ECESG) along with Ibrahim Akkari, a Dutch Muslim Brotherhood leader.

In addition, Rashed has worked for the Rotterdam-based Hamas charity El Aksa, banned by the Dutch authorities. That group was part of the network headed by Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s most influential cleric who has made fiery antisemitic statements.

The chairman of ISRAA, Mohamed el Doori, is also treasurer of the Dutch Federation of Islamic Organizations (FION), still another offshoot of the European Muslim Brotherhood. Both organizations are participating in the Nederland-Gaza coalition.

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Quem organizou o protesto «via avião» contra Israel?

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'Welcome to Palestine' campaign organizers include pro-Palestinian groups from Europe, United States. Organizers call activists who were barred from flight to 'pursue legal action as part of effort to expose Israel's racist policies'. Legal expert: Every country can decide who can and who cannot enter its borders

Who's behind the Ben-Gurion Airport fly-in? Dozens of pro-Palestinian activists who arrived on flights to Israel on Friday and denied entry by authorities were sent by several organizations based in Europe and the United States.


The campaign to bring international activists to Israel's airport, dubbed "Welcome to Palestine," was orchestrated months in advance and took meticulous planning.

The date was carefully selected, marking the seventh anniversary to the International Criminal Court's advisory opinion on the legality of the security fence, which rendered the fence illegal.


Among the organizers of the campaign is Movement Free Palestine, an American organization based in California, which according to its mission statement aims to "defend and advocate for the human rights of all Palestinians…by defying barriers imposed by Israeli and international authorities upon travel and trade to, from and within Palestine for Palestinians and persons invited by Palestinians."
The group is headed by Dr. Paul Larudee who co-initiated the "flytilla" idea. Larudee has a history of anti-Israeli activities and was deported from Israel by a court order in 2006. In 2010, Larudee participated in the Gaza-bound flotilla.


Other groups include London-based Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), which is affiliated with the Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood parties and denies Israel's right to exist, and Movement International Solidarity, which was founded over a decade ago with the aim of giving international humanitarian aid to Palestinians by employing non-violent means.


Israeli leftists organizations who supported the fly-in, but did not take part in its initiation or planning include the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, which supports an international economic, political and cultural boycott on Israel; Anarchists Against the Wall – a group that protests against the security fence, which it claims is being built on Palestinian lands in the West Bank; The Alternative Information Center (AIC) – a joint Palestinian-Israeli non-governmental organization which "engages in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict"; and Occupation Magazine, which brings information and analysis in Hebrew and English through its online website.


Legal action

Following the detention of dozens of activists on Friday, Spokesperson for "Welcome to Palestine" campaign Dr. Mazim Qumsiyeh slammed Israel, saying "the authorities made a mistake by letting security forces handle people who clearly don't pose a security risk."


"We're sick and tired of lying when we arrive at Allenby crossing or Ben-Gurion Airport to visit our Palestinian friends," said an International Solidarity Movement activist, adding that the Israeli action only highlights the "blockade on the West Bank."
"Welcome to Palestine" campaign organizers called on the airlines to struggle against the Israeli government's "extortionist, illegal and provocative" actions, adding that they are content with the outcome of the campaign, "Which further reveals Israel's policy toward Palestinian-related issues, and does not fare well with the basic principles of democracy and human rights."


Qumsiyeh noted that passengers who were not allowed to board their flights should "pursue their full rights, including legal action in their countries and in Israeli courts, as part of the effort to expose Israel's racist policies."


The Interior Ministry warned airlines in advance that passengers whose names appear on the "blacklist" and are allowed to fly to Israel – will be deported on the expense of the airline.


German federal police spokesperson noted that as long as a passenger has an airline ticket and a valid passport, there are no grounds to prevent him from flying. However, Swissair spokesperson told al-Jazeera network that the issue is regulated by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which has a clear policy.


"If a country tells the airline that an individual will be barred from entering the country, this person will not be allowed to board the plane," explained the spokesperson.


"As a company, we are obliged to comply with the regulations and may not fly the passenger," he said, adding that the airline is "legally bound" by this policy because every country has the right to deny entry inside its borders.
International Bar Association Executive Director Dr. Mark Ellis also explained why Israel was acting in accordance with international law by denying the entry of individuals. "Every country has the right to say who can and who cannot enter its borders. It's a controversial matter, but not illegal," he noted.


In this case, Ellis added, Israel's position was justified, as it is derived from security considerations, which gives wider maneuvering room vis-à-vis flight restrictions.

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Arquivos do Vaticano prestes a revelar detalhes sobre genocídio arménio

Os democídios perpetrados por comunistas e por muçulmanos continuam a ser praticamente ignorados, nunca reconhecidos pelos perpetradores como tal e, em alguns casos, por essa entidade mitológica que responde pelo nome «Comunidade Internacional».
Os arquivos do Vaticano prometem revelar mais detalhes sobre o Genocídio Arménio perpetrado pelos turcos:

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Genocídio armênio: esclarecimentos da Santa Sé

Arquivos vaticanos são divulgados com finalidade histórica

CIDADE DO VATICANO, quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011 (ZENIT.org) – A morte de milhões de armênios, assassinados em 1915 pelos turcos otomanos, será objeto de uma publicação dos Arquivos Secretos Vaticanos, segundo anunciou nesta terça-feira o prefeito dos Arquivos, Dom Sergio Pagano.

Nesta quarta-feira, a Rádio Vaticano fez alguns esclarecimentos sobre a publicação destes documentos inéditos, destacando que não serão divulgados para criar polêmia, mas sim para fazer um trabalho histórico.

O genocídio começou no dia 24 de abril de 1915, em Istambul, capital do império otomano, com o assassinato de 600 notáveis armênios por ordem do governo.

No final do verão de 1915, dois terços dos armênios da Turquia haviam morrido em condições terríveis. As autoridades turcas falaram de um “massacre”.

João Paulo II, em visita a Erevan em 2001, foi mais preciso, segundo explicou a Rádio Vaticano.

Depois de ter rezado diante do memorial das vítimas, denunciou que “o extermínio de 1,5 milhão de cristãos armênios, no que se considera geralmente como o primeiro genocídio do século 20, e o aniquilamento de milhares de pessoas sob o antigo regime totalitário (soviético) são tragédias que ainda vivem na memória da geração atual”.

Naquele então, o Papa Bento XV havia escrito ao sultão para implorar sua clemência.

E durante sua visita a Istambul em 2006, Bento XVI deu graças a Deus “pela fé e pelo testemunho cristão do povo armênio, transmitidos de século em século e, às vezes, em circunstâncias trágicas, como na do século passado”.

A biblioteca vaticana tem provas e testemunhos destes acontecimentos terríveis, que serão objeto de um livro coeditado em breve pelo serviço dos Arquivos do Vaticano.

Este volume reunirá relatos que descrevem detalhadamente as torturas sofridas pelas vítimas.

A Rádio Vaticano citou, como exemplo, o fato de que os soldados otomanos faziam apostas sobre o sexo dos fetos das mulheres grávidas antes de esquartejá-las para saber o resultado.

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