
Franquistão: muçulmanos apedrejam cristãos

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France: Muslims stone Catholic festival-goers

Eurabia Update: "Muslims Stone Catholic Festival-Goers in France," by Cheradenine Zakalwe at Islam Versus Europe, October 29
Muslims have attacked Christians attending a Catholic celebration in southern France.

The Joyeuse Union Don Bosco [Joyous Union Don Bosco] takes places in Nîmes, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady the Virgin of Santa Cruz, built by French people repatriated from the Algerian city of Oran following Algerian independence. These people were driven out of the place they grew up by Muslim aggression. Now they face it in France too!

After a day of welcoming and reunions, around 7 pm, the participants were leaving in their cars and vehicles when "young Arab immigrants" from the city started to throw stones at the vehicles descending from the sanctuary.

The local police, whose station is in this area, were immediately notified and the event organisers had to arrange a diversion to another route to protect the occupants of the vehicles from the savage attacks which continued.

As for the press, other than a brief honest article in "la Provence", there was no mention of the "intifada" (war of stones) attacks against the Christian religious community at Nîmes.

...it would seem that the media silence on these facts, which are occurring more and more frequently, serves to exonerate, even protect, the Muslims in their racist and anti-religious acts.

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

Prima quê?

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Libyan demonstrators: "The Koran is the basis, and our constitution must be based on sharia"

"Benghazi men insist on sharia in new Libya," from AFP, October 28:
More than 200 men from Benghazi staged a demonstration on Friday insisting that Islamic sharia law must be the basis of legislation in newly liberated Libya.

"The Koran is the basis, and our constitution must be based on sharia," shouted the men as they gathered in Freedom Square, the site of the initial protests against the now slain Moammar Qaddafi's 42-year rule....

"We are a Muslim country and our constitution must reflect our religious beliefs. There is nothing above our religious beliefs," said Ahmad al-Moghrabi, a prayer leader at a local Benghazi mosque, who was among 200-300 people who rallied in support of sharia.

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org


O rumo da «Primavera Árabe» no Egipto

Amplify’d from www.aed-france.org

Egypte : « La révolution a commencé avec des jeunes pleins d’idéaux, puis elle a viré ».

Il y a quelques mois, le père Henri Boulad, jésuite égyptien habitant au Caire, manifestait déjà ses inquiétudes à propos des tournures que prenaient la révolution (cf vidéo) Suite aux tragiques événements du 9 octobre dernier, et à l’approche des élections législatives, il nous livre à nouveau ses impressions. Entre crainte et espérance, entretien sans concession.

AED: Quelle a été votre réaction suite à l’attaque des coptes le 9 octobre dernier, alors que ces derniers  manifestaient pacifiquement ?
J’ai été peiné, outragé, furieux. Je pense que l’armée est infiltrée par des islamistes. Nous sommes à un tournant inquiétant. Il y a une vraie récupération de la révolution par les fondamentalistes. C’est d’ailleurs la même chose qui se passe en Libye et en Tunisie. Pour moi, il est clair que le monde arabe est en train de virer dans l’islamisme avec la bénédiction des puissances Occidentales. A croire que l’Occident n’a rien appris du passé. Qu’a-t-on fait de l’expérience de l’Irak ? Il faut dire aussi qu’il y a une manipulation médiatique de l’opinion. Les rebelles sont unanimement présentés comme des libéraux qui veulent la démocratie. Au lieu de démocraties, se sont des régimes islamistes qui vont se mettre en place.  Je pense que l’intervention de l’Occident dans les scénarios des pays arabes est dictée par des intérêts économiques et financiers. Il y a un manque d’objectivité total. Est-ce que l’Occident se rend compte qu’en mettant en place tous ces régimes dans le monde arabe, il se prépare à un avenir amer ? Personne n’a pas pris la véritable mesure de la puissance, de l’organisation et de la détermination des islamistes.

Comment envisagez-vous les élections législatives à venir en Egypte ?
Je suis très inquiet pour ces élections. La révolution a commencé avec des jeunes pleins d’idéaux, puis elle a viré. Les fondamentalistes rêvaient de ce moment-là. Tous les régimes les avaient jetés en prison et persécutés, maintenant ils sont au pouvoir. Les libéraux de la révolution deviennent des marginaux dans leur pays. Les islamistes sont tellement organisées qu’ils musellent toute opposition ou toute distension, musulmane ou chrétienne. Il ne faut pas négliger par ailleurs la présence des hommes de l’ancien régime, les hommes d’affaire et les technocrates. Une négociation se fait en sourdine pour que chacun trouve ses intérêts dans le nouveau régime : l’armée, les Frères Musulmans, l’ancien régime. On est en train de se partager les dépouilles des vaincus.

Comment vont les chrétiens en Egypte ?
Avant les événements de dimanche, je voyais déjà  beaucoup de chrétiens préparer leur valise. Il y a beaucoup d’inquiétude parmi la communauté chrétienne. Mais c’est dans la ligne de ce qui se passe depuis un siècle. Les chrétiens représentaient 20% de la population du Proche-Orient au début du siècle. Ils sont maintenant 2%. L’exode continue, et l’exemple irakien est éloquent. Les chrétiens se sentent abandonnés de tous : ils sont dans une grande détresse. Personnellement, je suis inquiet pour les chrétiens, mais aussi pour les autres minorités. Ce qui est grave, c’est qu’une certaine philosophie de  vendetta est en train de se répandre. Devra-t-on aller jusqu’à la guerre civile ? Je vois le salut dans un « réarmement moral ». Sans une nouvelle éthique, un nouveau sens de la conscience et de la responsabilité, nous allons vers une catastrophe.

Que pourrait-il se passer si les Frères Musulmans remportent les élections ?
Entant donné que la Constitution sera rédigée juste après les élections législatives, l’influence de la ligne politique islamiste risque d’être très prégnante. Les islamistes veulent maintenir le peuple dans une soumission aveugle à une loi divine sensée répondre à toutes les questions. L’arriération du pays est affligeante. Le clivage s’accentue entre un islam qui cherche à sortir de cet obscurantisme et celui qui y retourne. L’occident n’en a pas conscience. Je suis surpris de voir à quel point l’Eglise d’une part et le peuple occidental d’autre part s’est laissé prendre par le politiquement correct concernant l’Islam. L’Islam devrait pouvoir s’autocritiquer. En Egypte, toute voie modérée est étouffée sous prétexte qu’elle n’est pas fidèle à la bonne tradition : le wahhabisme.

Vos propos ne contribuent-t-ils pas à alimenter une guerre de religion ?
Toute réalité qui n’est pas basée sur la vérité, je la repousse.  Je suis pour un dialogue qui mette carte sur table, qui accepte d’aborder les points chauds, sans menacer d’extermination ses adversaires. Je veux qu’on ait le courage de libérer le discours, et de permettre à tous de s’exprimer. Beaucoup d’intellectuels musulmans évoquent ces questions, il faut les écouter ! Je voudrais qu’on cesse la polarisation chrétien-musulman. Ce sont aussi les jeunes qui doivent engager un dialogue qui puisse aboutir. Au-delà des discours, il y a les faits. Je ne crois qu’aux faits. La Commission Européenne à qui j’ai écrit le mois dernier m’a répondu : « Nous nous refusons à toute stigmatisation ». C’est comme si du temps d’Hitler, on disait qu’« il ne faut surtout pas stigmatiser le nazisme ». L’islamisme est un nouveau fascisme, beaucoup plus dangereux que l’autre, car plus pernicieux. Ce qu’il faut demander aux nouveaux régimes qui se mettent en place dans le monde arabe, c’est la suppression de la mention religieuse sur carte d’identité,  la signature de la déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, la reconnaissance du principe d’égalité homme- femme, le respect de la liberté religieuse. Il faut que tout cela soit réel, et non simplement proclamé.

Read more at www.aed-france.org


«Primavera» islâmica na Tunísia

Manifestações contra um cana de televisão que transmitiu o filme Persépolis [http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persepolis_(filme)].
Casa do director do canal invadida e incendiada.

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The transitional government of this putatively modern, moderate, secular state is already attempting to appease the Islamic supremacists in their midst, perhaps hoping not to wind up in their cross-hairs if they come to power. Prosecutors even plan to investigate the station over the movie. More on this story. "Tunisia police teargas protest at 'blasphemous' TV station," from Agence France-Presse, October 14:

Tunisian extremists fire-bombed the home of a TV station chief Friday, hours after militants protesting its broadcast of a film they say violated Islamic values clashed with police in the streets of Tunis.
About a hundred men, some of whom threw Molotov cocktails, lay siege to the home of Nessma private television chief Nabil Karoui late Friday, the station reported in its evening news bulletin.
Karoui's family had only just escaped, the news presenter said as Nessma denounced the attack.
Sofiane Ben Hmida, one of Nessma's star reporters, told AFP the station chief was not at home when the attack on his house took place around 7:00 pm (1800 GMT). But his wife and children were.
About 20 of the protesters were able to get inside.
"The family managed to get out the back and are safe. The attackers wrecked the house and set it on fire," he added.
A neighbour, who had alerted police, said the aggressors arrived in taxis, armed with knives and Molotov cocktails.
According to a Nessma source "only a housemaid was present inside. She was attacked and hospitalised."
Karoui himself said by telephone that he was shocked and devastated by the attack.
"I fear for my family. I am scared they (the attackers) will come back," he said.
Interior ministry spokesman Hichem Meddeb said around a hundred people turned up outside the house, forced their way inside, broken the windows and torn out two gas pipes. Five people were arrested, he added.
Late Friday, 50 police officers were deployed at Karoui's house, along with Nessma security staff.
This was the most serious incident yet in an escalating series of protests against the station's broadcast of "Persepolis" on October 7.
The globally acclaimed animated film on Iran's 1979 revolution offended many Muslims because it depicts an image of God as an old, bearded man. All depictions of God are forbidden by Islam.
Earlier Friday, police fired tear gas at demonstrators as some of the protests against the station degenerated.
The main demonstration began peacefully at a central Tunis mosque after Friday prayers, with men and women chanting slogans against Nessma. Thousands of people, many of them Salafist Muslims, were present.
But traders shut up shop as the group approached government offices and the rally grew tense as protesters approached the Kasbah area of Tunis where the main government buildings are located.
"Separate! Mixing of men and woman is prohibited," shouted a Salafist as he divided the protesters.
Other protests took place elsewhere in the capital.
Those protesting were mainly Salafists, but they were joined by groups of youths with no obvious allegiance, who in some places began tearing up posts and throwing stones at police.
The officers replied with volleys of tear gas.
It was the second time protesters had demonstrated against the station this week. On Sunday, Tunisian police broke up a crowd of angry Salafists intent on attacking Nessma offices.
Already on Tuesday, Karoui had apologised for having broadcast the scene depicting God, but most mosque preachers devoted their Friday sermons to the issue. After the attack on his home, the station accused some imams of having incited the faithful to target station staff.
The protests have increased fears of unrest barely a week away from historic polls on October 23, the first since January's overthrow of president Zine el Abidine Ben Ali.
Earlier this week, the national media and communication authority, INRIC, condemned "all attempts to terrorise media professionals."
The government called for "respect for sacred things."...
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org


Actriz iraniana presa e flagelada por filme contra as restrições à liberdade de expressão

Se dizes que não tens liberdade de expressão, levas.

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Actress Marzieh Vafamehr has been sentenced to a year in jail and 90 lashes for her role in a film about the limits imposed on artists in the Islamic republic, an Iranian opposition website reported Sunday.

"A verdict has been issued for Marzieh Vafamehr, sentencing her to a year in jail and 90 lashes," Kalameh.com reported.

"Her lawyer has appealed the sentence, which was handed down yesterday (Saturday)," the report added, without giving further details.

Vafamehr was arrested in July after appearing in "My Tehran for Sale," which came under harsh criticism in conservative circles.

The film, produced in collaboration with Australia, tells the story of a young actress in Tehran whose theatre work is banned by the authorities. She is then forced to lead a secret life in order to express herself artistically.

The Fars news agency said the movie had not been approved for screening in Iran and was being distributed in the country illegally.

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Última hora: «os EUA são o inimigo nº 1 dos palestinianos» e «a Fatah não abandonou a jihad contra Israel»

Quer dizer, não é grande novidade, mas parece que passa despercebido a muita gente:

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Senior Fatah official: U.S. is #1 Palestinian enemy, Fatah has not abandoned armed jihad against Israel

"'US is #1 Palestinian enemy as it backs Israeli oppression,'" by Khaled Abu Toameh for the Jerusalem Post, October 9
The US is the number one enemy of the Palestinians because it supports Israeli “oppression” against the Palestinians, Tawfik Tirawi, a senior member of the Fatah Central Committee, said on Sunday.

Tirawi, former commander of the Palestinian Authority’s General Intelligence Force in the West Bank, also said that Fatah has not abandoned the armed struggle option against Israel.

“Fatah hasn’t thrown the rifle aside,” Tirawi told thousands of university students during a rally in Hebron.

Tirawi’s anti-US remarks came only days after a Palestinian protester tossed a shoe at US diplomats who arrived in Ramallah to attend a cultural event.

The Palestinians were protesting against US President Barack Obama’s refusal to back the PA’s statehood bid at the UN and US threats to cut off financial aid to the PA.

Tirawi also criticized the PA leadership for refusing to allow Palestine TV to use the term “Israeli enemy” in its broadcasts.

“Those who prevent the use of the term ‘Israeli enemy’ are acting in violation of national awareness and the principles of people under occupation,” he argued. “They must go away.”...

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org


Islão na Catalunha em todo o seu esplendor

Com dissimulação, com supremacismo islâmico, com a imposição da xariá aos mais diversos planos da vida dos muçulmanos (quer queiram, quer não) e dos kuffar (termos pejorativo que significa "infiéis").

É ler tudo!

Amplify’d from www.hudson-ny.org

Muslims in Spain Declare Jihad on Dogs

by Soeren Kern
October 6, 2011 at 5:00 am

Spanish authorities are investigating the recent deaths by poisoning of more than a dozen dogs in Lérida, a city in the northeastern region of Catalonia that has become ground zero in an intensifying debate over the role of Islam in Spain.

All of the dogs were poisoned in September (local media reports here, here, here, here and here) in Lérida's working class neighbourhoods of Cappont and La Bordeta, districts that are heavily populated by Muslim immigrants and where many dogs have been killed in recent years.

Local residents say Muslim immigrants killed the dogs because according to Islamic teaching dogs are "unclean" animals.

Over the past several months, residents taking their dogs for walks have been harassed by Muslim immigrants opposed to seeing the animals in public. Muslims have also launched a number of anti-dog campaigns on Islamic websites and blogs based in Spain.

In response to the "lack of sufficient police to protect the neighbourhood," 50 local residents have established alternating six-person citizen patrols to escort people walking their dogs.

In July, two Islamic groups based in Lérida asked city officials to regulate the presence of dogs in public spaces so they do not "offend Muslims." Muslims are demanding that dogs be banned from all forms of public transportation including all city buses as well as from all areas frequented by Muslim immigrants.

Muslims in Lérida say the presence of dogs violates their religious freedom and their right to live according to Islamic principles.

Dogs are not the only Islam-related controversy in Lérida, where 29,000 Muslims now make up around 20 percent of the city's total population.

In December 2010, Lérida became the first municipality in Spain to ban the burqa head covering in all public spaces. Women found violating the ban will be fined up to €600 ($750). One day before the ban took effect, the Catalonian Supreme Court turned down an appeal from the Watani Association for Freedom and Justice, a local Muslim group, which had argued that the ban constitutes religious discrimination.

In September 2010, Watani president Mourad El-Boudouhi submitted a letter to the Lérida city council in which he asked the mayor to provide him with free land so that he can build a mosque in downtown Lérida. The mosque would be financed by Morocco.

The Moroccan mosque would compete with another mosque project in Lérida that is being financed by Saudi Arabia. The imam at the Saudi mosque is Abdelwahab Houzi, a Salafi jihadist preacher who adheres to the radical Wahhabi sect of Islam.

Salafism is a branch of revivalist Islam that calls for restoring past Muslim glory by forcibly establishing a universal Islamic empire (Caliphate) across the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe such as Spain, which Salafists view as a Muslim state that must be re-conquered for Islam.

Much of Spain was ruled by Muslim conquerors from 711 and 1492; Salafists believe that the territories the Muslims lost during the Spanish Reconquista still belong to them, and that they have a right to return and establish their rule there – a belief based on the Islamic precept that territories once occupied by Muslims must forever remain under Muslim domination.

The Salafist Houzi has called on Muslims who are eligible to vote in Spain to support Catalan separatist parties as a means to firmly establish Islamism in Catalonia.

"Muslims should vote for pro-independence parties, as they need our votes. But what they do not know is that, when they allow us to vote, we will all vote for Islamic parties because we do not believe in left and right. This will make us win local councils and as we begin to accumulate power in the Catalan autonomous region, Islam will begin to be implemented," Houzi said.

The Catalan independence movement supports the independence of Catalonia from Spain. Catalan separatism is based on the idea that Catalonia is a nation with its own unique history, culture and language.

In an effort to promote the Catalan language, Catalonian pro-independence parties have traditionally favored immigration from non-Spanish-speaking countries, especially from Arabic-speaking Muslim countries, in the belief that these people would speak Catalan rather than Spanish.

The end result of this decades-old policy is that Catalonia is now home to a huge concentration of hard-line Islamist groups including Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami and the Salafists.

Salafi preachers in Catalonia do not believe in democracy and teach that Islamic Sharia law is above Spanish civil law. They also promote the establishment of a parallel Muslim society in Spain.

Salafi imams have set up Sharia tribunals in Catalonia to judge the conduct of both practicing and non-practicing Muslims in Spain. They also deploy Islamic "religious police" in Lérida and other Catalan municipalities to monitor and punish Muslims who do not comply.

In one case, nine Salafists kidnapped a woman in Reus, tried her for adultery based on Sharia law, and condemned her to death. The woman just barely escaped execution by fleeing to a local police station.

In another case, a Salafi imam in Tarragona was arrested for forcing a 31-year-old Moroccan woman to wear a hijab head covering. The imam had threatened to burn down the woman's house for being an "infidel" because she works outside the home, drives an automobile and has non-Muslim friends. In an effort to prevent "a social conflict," in August a local court absolved the imam of all wrongdoing.

The Salafi movement in Spain is based in the Catalonian city of Tarragona, but Salafi Islam also has a major presence in the Catalan municipalities of Badalona, Calafell, Cunit, El Vendrel, Girona, Lleida, Mataró, Reus, Roda de Bara, Rubí, Salt, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Sant Boi, Torredembarra, Valls, and Vilanova, not to mention Barcelona, which hosts five Salafi mosques.

Meanwhile, the Catalan regional government says that during the first six months of 2011, it prevented 14 forced marriages and the genital mutilation of 24 Muslim girls.

Catalan police say they prevented forced marriages in metropolitan Barcelona (6), Girona (4), central Catalonia (2), the western Pyrenees (1) and Tarragona (1). The girls at risk from genital mutilation were in metropolitan Barcelona (19), Girona (4) and Lérida (1).

Not surprisingly, some Catalans are having second thoughts about Muslim immigration. The Catalan nationalist party Plataforma per Catalunya (PxC), which has some 70,000 active members, is opposed to any further Muslim immigration.

PxC is also leading opposition to the construction of a Salafi mega-mosque in the Catalan town of Salt. PxC spokeswoman María Osuna says the party does not want Salt to become "the new Mecca of the most radical Islamism."

For its part, the Catalan regional government has discovered that Muslim immigrants are not all that interested in learning the Catalan language. In an effort to promote Catalan, the Catalonian Bureau of Religious Affairs recently published a guidebook in Arabic and Catalan called "Salam al Català."

The guide aims to bring the Catalan culture to Muslims to "show the bonds that historically have existed between both realities, and bring the [Catalonian] language to the Arabic-speaking Muslim population."

Read more at www.hudson-ny.org


«Decálogo para denegrir as visitas apostólicas de Bento XVI» para jornalistas progressistas

Infra apenas o início do «Decálogo». Não deixe de ler tudo:

No hay mucho misterio. Las terminales mediáticas del mundo progre tienen sus agendas bien claras sobre cómo desacreditar al Papa.
Decálogo del blog para poner palos en las ruedas al Papa Benedicto XVI
1) Prepara anticipada y escrupulosamente cada visita o viaje apostólico de Benedicto XVI:

a) construye una bella polémica sobre los costos del viaje;

b) identifica cuidadosamente las posibles temáticas (sacerdotes pedófilos, disminución de los fieles, desobediencia de los obispos, eventuales contrastes con protestantes, judíos, musulmanes);

c) actúa de tal modo que el viaje sea precedido por una escala de polémicas. Eventualmente, y en el último minuto, finge estar consternado por el comportamiento de los medios;

d) presenta el viaje como “el más difícil del Pontificado”;

e) da la máxima resonancia a las manifestaciones de protesta que se están organizando. Dispara las cifras que te ofrecen los organizadores e insinúa que los manifestantes serán más que los fieles;

f) avisa a tus lectores que las Misas y las Vigilias presididas por el Papa Benedicto estarán ciertamente desiertas;

g) pon en evidencia el hecho de que el Papa Benedicto no conoce la realidad de los diversos países que visita porque vive encerrado en el Vaticano (acariciando gatos, escribiendo libros y tocando el piano);

h) entrevista siempre a Hans Küng, una verdadera garantía;

i) pregunta siempre al Padre Lombardi si durante el viaje el Papa se encontrará con víctimas de sacerdotes pedófilos;

j) el día de la partida escribe un artículo absolutamente negativo sobre el viaje en el que precises que nadie está esperando al Papa, el cual será acogido con hielo siberiano;

k) si por casualidad el Papa visita Alemania, no olvides citar la famosa frase “Nemo propheta in patria”.
Read more at www.religionenlibertad.com

Manuais escolares sauditas promovem violência contra judeus e cristãos

Ten Years On: Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Still Promote Religious Violence

<script type="text/javascript">var docstoc_docid="96998029";var docstoc_title="Ten Years On: Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Still Promote Religious Violence";var docstoc_urltitle="Ten Years On: Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Still Promote Religious Violence";</script><script type="text/javascript" src="http://i.docstoccdn.com/js/check-flash.js"></script>

Ten Years On: The following excerpt come from supposedly revised books produced in 2010-11.

•From a Grade 8 text: “The Apes are the people of the Sabbath, the Jews; the Swine are the infidels of the communion of Jesus, the Christians.”
Saudi Arabia's Textbooks Still Promote Religious Violence
Read more at blazingcatfur.blogspot.com

Constantes do islão

Coagir para converter, ontem e hoje. Diferentes estamos nós, que ficamos para aqui com conversas e alguns ainda pensam que a culpa é nossa.

Amplify’d from pajamasmedia.com

Islam’s History of Forced Conversions

Apostasy and continuity in Islam. (And don't miss Christian Adams at the Tatler, "Iranian Execution of Christian Convert Would Follow Islamic Law.")
September 29, 2011 - 4:53 pm - by Raymond Ibrahim

Finding and connecting similar patterns of behavior throughout Islamic history is one of the most objective ways of determining whether something is or is not part of Muslim civilization.

Consider the issue of forced conversion in Islam, a phenomenon that has a long history with ample precedents.  Indeed, from its inception, most of those who embraced Islam did so under duress, beginning with the Ridda wars and during the age of conquests, and to escape dhimmi status.  This is a simple fact.

Yet, when one examines today’s cases of forced conversions with those from centuries past, identical patterns emerge, demonstrating great continuity.  Consider:

Days ago in Pakistan, two Christian men were severely beaten with iron rods and left for dead by a group of Muslims, simply because they refused to convert to Islam.  According to Compass Direct News, they were returning from a church service when they were accosted by six Muslims.  After they discovered they were Christian, the Muslims:

then started questioning them about their faith and later tried to force them to recite the Kalma [Islamic conversion creed, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger”] and become Muslims, telling them that this was the only way they could live peacefully in the city. They also offered monetary incentives and “protection” to Ishfaq and Naeem [the Christians], but the two refused to renounce Christianity.

“After cajoling the two Christians for some time,” the Muslims pretended to go away, only to ram their car into the Christians: “The Muslims [then] got out of the car armed with iron rods and attacked Ishfaq and Naeem, shouting that they should either recite the Kalma or be prepared to die…severely beating[ing] the two Christians, fracturing Ishfaq Munawar’s jaw and breaking five teeth, and seriously injuring Masih…. [T]he two Christians fell unconscious, and the young Muslim men left assuming they had killed them.”

Contrast this contemporary account with the following anecdote from some 500 years past (excerpted from Witnesses for Christ, pgs.62-64):

In the year 1522, two Christian brothers in Ottoman Egypt were denounced by local Muslims “mostly out of jealousy and envy”; so the emir arrested them and “began flattering them and asking questions about their faith.”  The brothers made it clear that they were firm adherents of Christianity.  “The Muslims in the audience became enraged with the brothers when they heard their answers, and they began screaming and demanding they must become Muslims.”  The brothers responded by refusing to “deny the faith we received from our forefathers, but we will remain unshaken and very firm in it until the end.”

The Muslim judge deciding their case told the Christian brothers that if they simply said the Kalma and embraced Islam, they “would be given many honors and much glory”; otherwise, they would die.  At that point, the brothers’ mother came to support them, but “when the Muslims in court noticed her, they fell upon her, tore her clothing, and gave her a thorough beating.”

After rebuking them for their savagery, the brothers reaffirmed that they would never deny Christianity for Islam, adding “behold our necks, do what you wish, but do it quickly.”

 Hearing this, one of the Muslims in the audience became so angry that he took out a knife and stabbed Kyrmidoles [one brother] in the chest, while someone else kicked him as hard as possible, and another dropped a large stone on his head.  Finally, they plucked out his eyes.  Thus Kyrmidoles died.  As for Gabriel [his brother] they threw him to the ground and one of the soldiers severed his right shoulder and then proceeded and cut off his head.

Now, consider the near identical patterns in the two accounts, separated by half a millennium:

  1. The Muslims first begin by talking to the Christians about their religion, suggesting they convert to Islam.
  2. Failing to persuade the Christians, the Muslims proceed to “cajole” and offer “monetary incentives and protection” (in the modern case) and “flatter” and offer “many honors and much glory” (in the historic case).  All that the Christians need do is speak some words, the Kalma, and become Muslim.
  3. When the Christians still refuse, the Muslims fly into a savage rage, beating and torturing their victims to death (in the modern case, the Muslims assumed they had killed their victims).

Considering the Ottoman Empire and contemporary Pakistan are separated by culture, language, and some 500 years, how does one explain these identical patterns?  What binds them together?

Only Islam—Islam empowered, Islam in charge; Muslim majorities governing, and thus abusing their non-Muslim minority.  A fact of life, past and present.

Raymond Ibrahim, an Islam specialist and author of The Al Qaeda Reader, is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum. To receive his articles, sign up on his mailing list.
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