Gates of Vienna um colaborador sueco
publica a sua tradução de
uma reportagem realizada por um jornal sueco de referência. Os factos são os de todos os dias em
Rosengård: edifícios, caixotes do lixo e outros objectos na via pública em chamas; os bombeiros que acorrem para extinguir as chamas são apedrejados; a polícia, chamada a protegê-los, recebe o mesmo tratamento.
O que surrpeende o tradutor e autor do postal é a clareza da linguagem usada na peça jornalística. Ao contrário do que é habitual, os factos são descritos com precisão e os agressores são caracterizados sem eufemismos: são jovens muçulmanos. Ao que parece, a utilização de uma linguagem clara e inequívoca quanto ao tipo de agressões e aos seus autores não é inédita na Suécia e ocorre sobretudo no Verão. A explicação avançada aponta para a possibilidade de os peritos em linguagem politicamente correcta e na limpeza da imagem dos agressores estarem de férias.
Do artigo propriamente dito, destacaria a pequena entrevista ao antropólogo social que residiu durante três anos em
Rosengård em trabalho de campo para a realização da sua tese de doutoramento.
Ao contrário do que se poderia temer, o antropólogo não alinha nas teses multiculturalistas e de vitimização das minorias tão em voga - talvez porque saiba do que fala; propõe, inclusive, uma abordagem mais musculada por parte das instituições que representam o estado sueco: bombeiros, polícia, escola, tribunais:
«(...) [S]ays Aje Carlbom (...) a social anthropologist at the Malmö College [who] lived in Rosengård for three years to write his PhD thesis.
“A forgotten cause of the vandalism is the complex combination of culture and manliness in Rosengård. The boys are in a situation where different interests try to compete for their ideal of manhood. To show aggressiveness, courage, and to “fight the man” is a way to show that you are a enough of a man, belonging with the other men.
“Many families want their boys to adapt to the norms of patriarchy and become authorities that provide for and decide over women and children. Moslem congregations want them to adapt to religious norms. Criminal gangs offer fast cash. Finally the school and social services want to impart Swedish values about gender equality to the boys.”
Aje Carlbom thinks the Swedish values come dead last in the competition for the attention of the boys.
“The Swedish norms offer a very fussy image of what an admirable man is or should be.
“What happens when society can’t live up to the expectations of these guys?
“They see society as weak. Firefighters aren’t allowed to turn their hoses on stone throwers, but perhaps they should do so anyway. As an experiment. These boys need to face stiffer opposition.”
“Show more seriousness. The boys meet no consequences for their acts today. Even youths should be arrested in order to show clearly where the limits are. Schools should employ zero tolerance concerning, for instance, insults to girls.
“If you seek acceptance for a multicultural, diverse society among the broad masses, you have to show that you are on top of the situation. Unless you do that, there will be an uprising against multiculturalism.”
“Most people think these riots are caused by exclusion, unemployment and poverty…?”
“I have a very hard time seeing that connection. There are many unemployed but a vanishing minority that goes out throwing stones. I don’t know how much the Intifada and the uprising in Gaza inspires the stone throwers. Unfortunately, nobody’s done any research on the subject.”
“Many think the subject is too sensitive to research. In Sweden, many people show a immense tolerance toward the intolerance of the immigrants, but no tolerance at all for native Swedish intolerance. One can be tolerated, not the other. It is strange.”
“How can the problems be solved?”
“The more immigrants that come to Malmö, the larger the market for various ethnic products and extreme interpretations of Islam. It becomes ever easier to live as back home even if you live in Sweden.
“Segregation must be broken. The only way to do so is to stop the further inflow of immigrants to Malmö. But nobody in our political system supports that. What we see now is just the beginning. It will become worse.”»
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