
Brasil: plurihomicida era muçulmano

E disse, ao que parece - porque a cortina que visa impedir o acesso à informação é espessa - deixou uma carta onde professava a superioridade do islão e glorificava o terrorismo e os ataques suicidas.

The terrorist who opened fire at a public elementary school in Rio de Janeiro, killing at least 11 students before killing himself, was a MUSLIM!

Officials said the 23-year-old gunman was a former student at the Tasso da Silveira school, located in a working-class neighborhood in western Rio. A motive was not immediately known, but authorities said the man left a rambling and mostly incoherent letter at the scene indicating he wanted to kill himself.

I had to go to Al Arabiya to find out that he was a convert to Islam, that the letter said that Islam was the true religion and that the letter glorified terrorism and suicide bombings.

Brazilian media is frightened of a growing Islamist movement associated with Al Qaeda that is operation in South America, according to Al Arabiya.

It seems that the English-language media has already decided that his fascination with Islamist terror is not an important detail to mention in the thousands of stories already published on the incident.
Read more at barenakedislam.wordpress.com

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