A Igreja que está na Escócia cuida da sua língua e da dignidade da música litúrgica que há-de oferecer ao Papa na sua visita ao Reino Unido agendada para Setembro.
In New Liturgical Movement:
by Br Lawrence Lew, O.P. It is widely known that the new English translation of the Roman Missal has now received its recognitio, and it is hoped that music "worthy of the temple" will be composed for it.
News has now gone public that the acclaimed Scottish composer, James Macmillan, who is a lay Dominican, has been commissioned by the bishops of Scotland, England and Wales to write music for the Pope's visit to the U.K. this September. He has been specifically asked to use the new translation, and so, it is believed that this will be the first musical setting of it to be written and sung.
The Mass will be sung in Glasgow and Coventry and the papal Masses, and MacMillan will also be writing a motet for the beatification of Cardinal Newman in Coventry. Work on the Mass should be complete by the end of the month.
There is more information on this at the Scottish Catholic Observer. James MacMillan's music is deeply religious, inspired by his Scottish musical heritage, and also rooted in Dominican chant. His recent 'St John Passion', which has been widely acclaimed, is a good example of this, and there is an audio clip from it online. There are many more samples of his music, including liturgical music, here.
Above is a photo of JamesMacMillan receiving the first blessing of a Dominican priest and fellow composer.
Aprendamos com os bispos escoceses.
Talvez para a próxima visita papal ― Deus queira que de Bento XVI ― a Igreja que está em Portugal possa fazer o mesmo a um dos muitos compositores em actividade entre nós ― por que não ao
compositor distinguido com o privilégio de beijar a mão do Papa, dia 12 de Maio, no Centro Cultural,
Eurico Carrapatoso, meu primeiro e muito querido mestre?