Para saber sobre a real situação de Gaza, ou seja, para romper o bloqueio informativo que os media ocidentais têm em curso, visite o site de Tom Gross, onde poderá ficar a conhecer um restaurante de luxo e uma piscina olímpica de Gaza e ver o desmontar de outras mentiras sobre o conflito Israelo-Árabe.
Via Vlad Tepes e Melanie Phillips, que diz:
«(...) That there is hardship in Gaza is indisputable. But that is caused solely by the fact that it is at war with Israel --waged by a regime that also imposes great hardship and suffering upon the Gazans themselves. The flotilla activists and their supporters, however, continue to maintain that Gaza is starving and that their purpose was to bring in supplies that don’t exist because of the blockade. (...)»
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