
Noruega: somalis burlam estado social

É uma forma de viver sem trabalhar: casam, têm filhos, divorciam-se e as mulheres recebem dinheiro do estado para os educar. Um sistema que não previa que alguém pudesse querer tirar partido dele ilegitimamente.
Tratando-se de muçulmanos, será uma forma de cobrar a jizya, o imposto que os «infiéis» devem pagar para não serem molestados:

Amplify’d from tundratabloids.com


What’s going on here is a severe violation of the public trust. Somalis are getting divorced with the sole purpose on scamming the Norwegian social securities office. The woman, divorced, and depending upon how many children they have, will get a hefty sum from the Norwegian taxpayer. KGS

The police went in yesterday and today for action against several Somali families who are charged with aggravated social security fraud.

Police have taken action against several Somali families who are charged with aggravated social security fraud. Every family has stolen 800 000 kr from the state by pretending that the mother is the sole-supporter

For the first time Nav confirms that they know of at least 100 Somali women who have had children with her husband – after they were divorced.

The Cast Bergske children laws enacted by Parliament in 1915. They should guarantee the minimum income for single parents. On average, travelers get parents to NOK 15 000 per child per month. The system is based on trust.

Many were born outside marriage

In addition to NAV figures have been given figures from the Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics.

It turns out that nearly half of all Somali children in this country are born out of wedlock. Whether there is a high acceptance of single mothers among Somalis, or so says the statistics about the scale of social security abuse.

Read more at tundratabloids.com

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