
New Jersey: estudante suspenso por ferir os sentimentos de colega muçulmana

O puto disse "taliban" e olhou para a garota?

Leia a introdução e os comentários de Robert Spencer e de dois leitores do Jihad Wacth, antes e depois da notícia, respectivamente, onde se dá conta de um miúdo no Reino Unido ameaçado de morte pelos colegas muçulmanos porque apoia as tropas britânicas.
She "perceived" that he was looking at her when he said it. And so he is duly suspended, because the new cardinal rule is that one must not offend the new Privileged Class. They say they suspended him because her feelings were hurt -- yet if that became the criterion for suspension in high school, there would be no more than one or two students in class at any given time. "Bullying dispute erupts at Wayne school over 'Taliban' comment," by Andrea Alexander for the Record, November 12 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
WAYNE -- On one side, a Wayne Valley High school student claims that his use of the word "Taliban" was innocent, mentioned in a conversation about a video game, according to his mother.
But to a Muslim student who overheard it at school on Thursday, it was upsetting. And she had perceived that he had looked at her when he said it, Principal Robert Reis said.
Now the boy is facing a one-day suspension on Monday, because, Reis said, he continued to talk about the incident and it got back to the girl and upset her. Reis said she felt the boy was boasting that he'd gotten away with something.
"This has nothing to do with the fact that the boy used a word," Reis said. "This has everything to do with the boy hurt a girl's feelings." And after the boy was told by administrators not to discuss what happened, Reis said, "He went back and hurt her feelings a second time."
But the boy's mother, Rosa Giordano, said the incident "is totally being blown out of proportion" and she plans to fight the disciplinary action....
"I don't want this on his record as a racial slur and bullying," she said. "I am sorry the girl got offended by the world 'Taliban.' I will make sure my son never says the word again ... the poor kid is so upset he doesn't want to go to school."
Actually, Mrs. Giordano, "Taliban" is not a race.
Reis said administrators had planned to treat the situation as a teachable moment and meet simultaneously with both students to talk about it. The boy was suspended after the girl came to Reis upset a second time....
"A teachable moment" -- in other words, more Muslim claims of victimhood and evasion of responsibility.
Posted by Robert on November 17, 2010 3:22 PM


Read this back to back with *this* story about Muslims and bullying, from Britain:
"UK-Muslim children threaten to murder classmate who supported British troops"
From above:
Reis said administrators had planned to treat the situation as a teachable moment and meet simultaneously with both students to talk about it. The boy was suspended after the girl came to Reis upset a second time....
"A teachable moment" -- in other words, more Muslim claims of victimhood and evasion of responsibility.
Yep. Notice, this Muslim girl is not disturbed by the horrific Taliban itself, but by an Infidel boy having the temerity to refer to them at all.
Ironically "Taliban" in its actual Pashtun language means "student".....
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

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