
Gaza: cristão atacado por alegado proselitismo

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
A prominent Christian surgeon in the Gaza Strip said assailants threw a bomb at his vehicle and sent him threatening messages.

Dr. Maher Ayyad, 55, says no one was hurt in Friday's bombing, though the explosion damaged his brother's vehicle.

He said Sunday that after the blast, he received text messages to halt evangelical work or face harsh punishment. Ayyad says he does not preach his faith....

somehow these assailants got the crazy idea that Islam forbids non-Muslims to proselytize among Muslims.

Marisol commented on this story here, but I thought I'd remark on the cognitive dissonance between this (and so many other stories like it in the Islamic world) and what Islamic spokesmen in the West tell gullible non-Muslim audiences about Islam. "Gaza assailants plant bomb under Christian car: Dr. Maher Ayyad say received text messages to halt evangelical work or face harsh punishment," from the Associated Press, February 27 (thanks to Kevin):

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

Erdogan diz ao turcos na Alemanha: «intregai-vos mas não vos deixeis assimilar»

Thousands of Turkish immigrants gave Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan a rock star welcome in Germany on Sunday in a show of national pride that remains fervent, even after decades spent in Germany. He told them they remain part of Turkey, and urged them to integrate into German society -- but not to assimilate.
See more at womenagainstshariah.blogspot.com


Espanha: juiz suspenso «por ser católico»

É o progresso:

Suspendido, según el TSJ, por retrasar una adopción a una lesbiana. Él sostiene que fue por «indagar los efectos en una menor de tener dos "mamás"».
Hace tres años el Juez Fernando Ferrín Calamita fue sentenciado e inhabilitado como juez, con una sentencia que fue considerada injusta, desproporcionada y un aviso a navegantes para los que pretendan ser mártires de la coherencia.
- ¿Cuántos años de pena le quedan? ¿Tiene intenciones de reincorporarse a la carrera judicial?
- Hoy, día 19 de febrero, cumplo tres años de pena. Me quedan siete, puesto que el tribunal supremo (así, con minúscula) me condenó a diez años de inhabilitación para ser juez. Y todo por tratar de indagar los efectos en una menor de tener dos “mamás”. Pero en febrero de 2018 no me podré reincorporar, puesto que requisito para ello es carecer de antecedentes penales, y la anotación que yo tengo en el Registro Central de Penados caduca a los tres años. Es decir, en febrero de 2021 podría solicitar mi reingreso al servicio activo.
La verdad es que si no renuncio a la carrera judicial es por mi mujer y mis siete hijos. No puedo tirar por la borda seis años de trabajo (los jueces nos jubilamos a los setenta años), y, por tanto, de cotización a la Seguridad Social.
- Lleva una larga trayectoria en la carrera judicial. ¿Por qué quiso ser juez?
- Este año 2011 cumpliría 25 años en la carrera judicial. Entré con toda la ilusión del mundo, dispuesto a servir, a ver personas con problemas (no papeles), e intentar resolverlos de la mejor manera posible; especialmente en el Juzgado de Familia, en donde se tocan verdaderos dramas humanos, en los que los verdaderos perjudicados son los niños.
Yo siempre, desde joven, quise estudiar Derecho y ser juez. Jamás se me ocurrió pensar que en la justicia había cloacas, y que jueces, abogados, fiscales, me iban a llamar por teléfono exigiéndome que me fuera del Juzgado; dinero, a cambio de retirar la querella; que mandara un escrito a un fax y archivarían el caso, etc.
- ¿Se esperaba usted lo qué le ha ocurrido? ¿Cree que ha sufrido un castigo por ser católico y cumplir como juez justo?
- A uno el “edificio”, todos los esquemas mentales, se le derrumban. ¿Cómo puede ser posible que me ocurra esto, con la Constitución que tenemos, en la que se dice que un juez es inamovible e independiente? Para esas personas, el ser católico inhabilita para ser juez de Familia. Increíble. Habrá que colocar al frente de tales Juzgados a robots, que no piensen. Al fin y al cabo, como para pedir el divorcio sólo hace falta que hayan transcurrido tres meses desde la celebración del divorcio, un ordenador puede perfectamente calcular el tiempo y “soltar” por la impresora la sentencia de divorcio. Y como hoy también hay tablas de cuantificación de las pensiones alimenticias para los hijos y compensatoria para la mujer (que es el principal caballo de batalla de los pleitos matrimoniales), nada obsta a sustituir como digo a los jueces de familia por robots o por buenos ordenadores: se introducen en el PC los datos relativos al número de hijos e ingresos de los progenitores, y el sistema calcula la pensión. Vendría muy bien, para ahorrar.

Yo tengo claro quién ha antepuesto sus ideas y/o se ha dejado presionar. Yo desde luego no he antepuesto mis creencias, y la prueba es que he dictado miles de sentencias de divorcio, aunque personalmente esté en contra del mismo. Acertaron en lo de católico porque estadísticamente la mayoría de los españoles lo somos, aunque si fuese verdad en la proporción que dicen las estadísticas, y fuésemos coherentes, “otro gallo nos cantaría”.
- Usted ha intentado defenderse judicialmente ¿podría detallarnos como ha sido el proceso?
- Dentro de unos días presentaré la demanda ante el Tribunal Europeo de Estrasburgo…y a esperar.
Todas las acciones legales emprendidas han fracasado. Ni siquiera se han admitido a trámite las querellas presentadas, salvo la dirigida contra el Gabinete Psicosocial del Juzgado (se admitió, se practicaron diligencias, y se ha archivado). No merece la pena, por lo visto, investigar si es cierto que el juez instructor del caso, Abadía Vicente, me mandó dos intermediarios amigos comunes para ofrecerme la posibilidad de librarme del banquillo y de una sentencia condenatoria si mandaba un fax comprometiéndome a marcharme de Murcia. Tampoco si J.L. Mazón me exigió a través de López Bernal y de Antonio Rentero 10.000 euros y que me fuera de Murcia para retirar la querella, a lo que el Fiscal Superior pondría el “visto”. No merece tampoco la pena que el Consejo General del Poder Judicial investigue la conducta de Juan Martínez Moya, el que concurriendo causa de abstención (por haberme incoado expediente por el mismo objeto, y que luego resulta que preside la Sala encargada de enjuiciarme), no lo hace (lo que es falta muy grave, por la que verbigracia expulsaron de la carrera judicial a una jueza de Marbella).

- ¿Qué opina sobre el estado de la Justicia?
- En fin. Es una pena cómo está la justicia. Sólo he tenido un juicio, por jueces parciales. El tribunal supremo no me motiva las razones de la agravación de la condena, (uno de ellos “off the record” reconoció mi inocencia), y el tribunal constitucional no me admite a trámite el recurso de amparo “por falta de relevancia constitucional”, sin decirme tampoco las razones…

Es como si a un policía le echan del Cuerpo por investigar un delito, sin darle explicaciones. Está cumpliendo su deber…
- ¿Ha tenido alguna respuesta de otros jueces ante lo ocurrido con Usted, o se ha sentido desprotegido?
- Un “hándicap” que he tenido: no pertenecer a ninguna asociación profesional. Pertenecí hace tiempo a la APM, pero a raíz del “acuerdo” al que llegó con Aznar (el cual en su programa propugnaba la vuelta al sistema de elección de los vocales del CGPJ anterior a 1985), me dí de baja. Un “compañero” afiliado a ella (miembro de ese tribunal supremo) me dijo que si me volvía a dar de alta “me protegerían”. No sé por qué me vino a la memoria la película “El padrino”.
- A propósito de lo que le ha ocurrido, ¿cree que es una anécdota desgraciada o es la tónica habitual en España?
- Lo dicho: qué pena de país. Lo dijo Alfonso Guerra hace 30 años: “a España no la va a reconocer ni la madre que la parió” y “el que se mueva no sale en la foto”. Yo, parece ser que me moví… Y me seguiré moviendo y luchando por mis derechos.
Read more at www.religionenlibertad.com

«Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back»

Daniel Greenfield dixit.
Leia tudo:

Amplify’d from sultanknish.blogspot.com
France's President Sarkozy has stated that multiculturalism has failed, insisting that Muslim immigrants merge into the "national community". German President Angela Merkel made virtually the same statement earlier at her party's convention. British PM David Cameron went further saying that Islamism had taken root because multiculturalism had diminished a collective English identity. All three leaders are conservatives and language like this has been greeted with applause by their base. But there is really very little to cheer here.
Announcing the failure of multiculturalism in Europe of 2011 is as relevant a disclosure as the comic French song, Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise, in which the groom informs her ladyship that her husband had committed suicide after losing his money and burned down the estate, by telling her that everything was alright except for a minor mishap with her horse. Multiculturalism may be the post-national left's favorite nag, but the failure here is much greater. It is mass migration from the Muslim world that is the problem, and any policy that only addresses the consequences, rather than the cause, is bound to be a failure.
Of the three leaders, Cameron was the only to lay out something close to a policy. But his muscular rhetoric sounds suspiciously like the pre-election Sarkozy. And conservative British pols have developed a habit of talking tough about Islam one minute, and pandering to it shamelessly for votes on the other. Before becoming Prime Minister, Cameron went to live with a Muslim family and announced that, "Not for the first time, I found myself thinking that it is mainstream Britain which needs to integrate more with the British Asian way of life, not the other way around."

Has Cameron suddenly realized that the extended Muslim family with its rugs and hospitality masks less appetizing cultural problems, particularly when it comes to the treatment of women, or is he trying to stay ahead of a public backlash. Sarkozy certainly is. His popularity is low. Meanwhile LePen's daughter is behind a revived party, without her father's Nazi sympathies and anti-semitism, that may take away enough votes to make a difference. Merkel is also unpopular and needs a red meat issue that will distract the voters from Greece and Portugal. And so for all that European leaders are talking about the threat of Islamic separatism, and the Palestinization of Muslim communities with their No Go zones, honor killings and riots, they are still speaking the language of integration.

Integration. Process the millions of Muslims through British, Germany and French schools and make sure that they know the national language, rather than the urban patois that has become the lingua franca of a changing Europe, showing up in rap albums and TV shows. Teach them how wonderfully tolerant we are, bridge the gap by celebrating their culture, and maybe even making room for a little Sharia law on the side. Tie the knot and there'll be a happy integrated nation, which marries the Middle Eastern values of hospitality and the British values of not beheading your daughter.

The problem with this new anthem of 'Tout va Très Bien Madame la Multiculturalisma' is that multiculturalism isn't the problem, it's the symptom. The British, French and German systems haven't failed, they have had a chance of success. It would have been possible to integrate a few thousand Muslims per country, but not a few million. Certainly not people who have no definition of integration, and whose cultural and religious assumptions are so far apart that they cannot integrate without losing their identity.

But even this need not have been a complete and absolute disaster. 3 million Nepalese might have made their own separate communities, as they have in towns such as Reading, without it leading to a civil war. The natives would have complained of the smells, the foreign languages and the strange signs. Of entire English towns in the hands of strangers. And it would have ended at that. But Muslims are a special case for three unfortunate reasons.
First, they hold an enduring grievance toward Europe for everything over the last 1000 years. Considering the troubles in Northern Ireland between peoples far more closely related by culture and blood, who in their right mind thought that it would be a good idea to import millions of foreigners who still resent the loss of Spain, the Crusades and colonial governments with nearly equal ferocity, and imagined that it would all go smoothly.

Second, their culture is tightly integrated with their religion, and their religion has a long history of expanding through conquest. A history both ancient and recent. It took enormous arrogance to import millions of members whose civilization still employs violence as a religiously sanctioned tool for promoting the faith, and then act as if they could be integrated with a good lesson plan.
Third, many Muslim countries have enormous wealth and influence, and have used it to promote Islamism and tear down the defenses of Western nations. Imagine if the Soviet Union had possessed enormous oil wealth or if Japan in the 80's had decided to use its wealth to aggressively promote a cultural takeover. That is what we are dealing with here.

All this talk of integrating Muslims disregards them as a civilization, and treats them as if they were delinquents. Cameron's talk of youth falling into extremism suggests that he thinks of them as if they were children from a broken home falling through the cracks of the system and shooting up heroin on council estates, rather than young men acting in accord with the values of their own religion.
The Muslim terrorists of Europe are neither impoverished nor marginalized. They are doctors, architects and university students who have taken the full benefit of what the countries have to offer them, and gone to war to win it all. They are brats acting out, but soldiers engaging in a war of conquest. A simple fact that all the integration prattle obscures.

The difference between the so-called extremists and the moderates, is that the extremists want to conquer Europe by force, and the moderates through demographics and culture. The extremists want to blow up Europe. The moderates want to integrate it. And their lesson plans have gotten much further into the European, Canadian, Australian and American child-- than the lesson plans of the Western integrators have into the Muslim child.
Cameron has rightly identified a portion of the problem. But his solution is asinine. You do not create a vigorous culture worthy of respect by passing a law and making it so. A culture that merits respect can only be created by the measure of its accomplishments. The decline of English culture parallels the physical recession of the nation, its power, its industry and its achievements. (And that is a fair warning for America, which is headed down the same path at a slower pace.) A lesson plan on King Alfred the Great, will not make England great, and will not earn Muslim respect, let alone their integration. Most nations have their own grand histories and their own tales. But unless they still have greatness within them, these are nothing but matters of trivia.

Talk all you want of greatness, but great nations colonize, they are not colonized. All a UK Muslim needs to do in order to gauge where the future lies is look at the native birth rate, at the Muslim birth rate and at the immigration statistics. And then he can safely relegate King Alfred the Great, Lord Nelson and Winston Churchill to the realm of obscure trivia from a vanishing nation. After all Byzantium too was great in its time, but now it's a giant Muslim marketplace.
The Middle East was once the cradle of civilization, today it is a heap of dirt with a smattering of oil, olive groves and vast dirty slum carrying the names of once legendary cities. The region was full of cultures and civilizations that were once great, before being trodden under the boots of maddened Bedouin fanatics. Today only two, the Jews and the Persians, exist as independent nations. And it would not take all that long to turn Europe into the new Middle East.
The integrators imagine that they can halt that process with a reading of 'The Charge of the Light Brigade' or by banning the burqa, but the tide of history is not turned so easily as that. The great men of England's own history could tell Cameron that. It is not history that makes nations great, but the way in which they carry on that history into the present. The way in which they realize that history in the present day.

Say what you will about Muslims, but they are realizing their history in Europe today. While they reenact the old battles, their foes are tempting them with social services funding. European governments want Muslims to join their republican secular states. Muslims want Europeans to join their caliphate. And it is not difficult to see who will win that particular contest if things go on as they are.

Reporting the failure of multiculturalism is a touch of Tout Va Très Bien, Madame La Marquise by the integrators who are comically understating the scope and the nature of the problem. Europe's problem is not multiculturalism, but that it has been invaded and it has forgotten how to fight back.
Read more at sultanknish.blogspot.com


Espanha: Síndrome da Jihad Súbita

Note-se que o El País não diz que o indivíduo é muçulmano, referindo-se-lhe como um «perturbado». É correcto e o nome da perturbação é «islão»!
Note-se como o El País afirma que o acto não foi premeditado. Claro que não: o homem ia a passar à porta do centro de saúde com o seu machado debaixo do braço e deu-lhe uma coisa, entrou, atacou duas administrativas com o machado, amputando-lhes dedos, e uma enfermeira, cortando o escalpe às três.
Note-se que o El País tinha que desculpabilizar o assassino (em forma tentada, pelo menos) cantando a canção do «coitadinho que está desempregado». Como se sabe, o desemprego leva ao homicídio a sangue frio.
A esta atitude do El País pode chamar-se ódio ao Ocidente e dhimmitude.

Via Bare Naked Islam, onde se dá conta de que este é o segundo caso de Síndrome da Jihad Súbita em poucos dias.

Un hombre ha irrumpido esta mañana armado con un hacha de grandes dimensiones en un centro de salud de Fuenlabrada (Madrid) y ha atacado al personal ya los pacientes. El agresor, identificado como AEB, de 40 años, nacionalidad marroquí y vecino de la localidad, ha herido a tres trabajadoras del ambulatorio El Naranjo antes de ser detenido por un joven que estaba en el centro de salud esperando a que atendieran a su mujer.Las heridas son dos administrativas y una enfermera y las tres se encuentran en estado grave, aunque no se teme por sus vidas. La Consejería de Sanidad ha convocado una reunión urgente de la Mesa Sectorial - compuesta por los sindicatos Satse, Femyts, CC OO, UGT y CSIT-UP- para informar de lo sucedido el lunes día 28.
Un testigo ha explicado que el hombre ha entrado con el hacha escondida bajo una sudadera que portaba sobre su brazo derecho, mientras que un portavoz de la Jefatura Superior de la Policía ha asegurado que ha atacado "indiscriminadamente" a los que se ha encontrado. La actuación del hombre, con evidentes signos de trastorno mental y que ha confesado tranquilamente los hechos, no parece ser premeditada. El testigo mismo testigo ha precisado que nada más entrar ha sacado el arma y le ha pegado un hachazo a una mujer que se encontraba tras el mostrador de administración. La víctima ha caído al suelo, y el perturbado ha continuado atacando a una segunda mujer que estaba sentada, y que también ha quedado tendida en el suelo. Posteriormente, ha accedido al interior del habitáculo en el que estaba una tercera trabajadora y le ha asestado un golpe. Con las tres mujeres tendidas, ha continuado agrediéndolas.
Una de las enfermeras del centro de salud ha relatado a Efe que el agresor gritaba "os voy a matar, os voy a matar". "Una de mis compañeras ha logrado escapar gateando al lado del agresor, mientras éste atacaba a mis otras dos compañeras. Mi instinto ha sido salir corriendo a pedir ayuda, hacia una calle donde hay un descampado. Y allí me he quitado la bata, por si era una fijación de un loco por perseguir gente con bata", ha detallado María Ángeles.
Detenido por un joven
De las dos administrativas heridas, Pilar, de 55 años, ha sufrido la semiamputación de la mano derecha, amputación de falange izquierda y también levantamiento del cuero cabelludo. Está siendo atendida en La Paz, donde la operan para salvarle el miembro superior, y su estado es grave. Otra administrativa, también de nombre Pilar, de 51 años, ha perdido la primera falange del dedo índice de la mano derecha y tiene también levantamiento del cuero cabelludo. Ha sido trasladada al hospital de Fuenlabrada y, de ahí, la han derivado a la Fundación Jiménez Díaz de Madrid. Aunque en un principio su pronóstico era moderado, finalmente se encuentra en estado grave.
La tercera herida es una enfermera, Conchi, de 46 años, a la que se le ha arrancado parte del cuero cabelludo. También ha sido enviada en un primer momento al hospital de Fuenlabrada con pronóstico moderado, de donde ha sido traslada al Doce de Octubre de la capital, donde se encuentra en estado grave. Además, Emergencias de la Comunidad de Madrid ha atendido en el lugar a dos personas con crisis de ansiedad después de presenciar el suceso. Varios psicólogos atienden a las personas que se han visto involucradas en este suceso.
El ataque se ha producido sobre las 12.30. Tras irrumpir en el centro y atacar a los que se ha encontrado a su paso, el agresor ha salido del lugar a pie, todavía hacha en mano, y perseguido por un joven, Roberto, que se encontraba en el centro de salud con su mujer, Encarnación, a la espera de que un médico le atendiera a ella, que sufre un flemón.
Roberto lo ha retenido a 200 metros del ambulatorio, delante de un bar, hasta que ha llegado un vehículo de la Policía Local, que le ha arrestado y le ha conducido a los calabozos de la Comisaría de Policía Nacional. Tras prestar declaración, Roberto, muy nervioso por lo que había pasado, ha protagonizado un altercado con los policías. Según fuentes policiales, el agresor es vecino de Fuenlabrada y ha relatado a los agentes que "se encontraba en paro y tenía muchos problemas".
Según las declaraciones de varios testigos, antes de acudir al ambulatorio, situado en la calle Avilés número 2, el hombre había tenido un problema para concertar una cita médica, porque o bien se le anuló la cita o no se la querían conceder. Sin embargo, a los trabajadores del centro de salud no les consta que el hombre "tuviera ningún problema con ninguna cita previa", según han informado fuentes sanitarias, que han explicado que el agresor ha ido directamente a por las trabajadoras, sin motivo aparente.
El alcalde socialista de Fuenlabrada, Manuel Robles, y el consejero de Sanidad, Javier Fernández Lasquetty, han acudido al centro de salud y han lamentado y condenado el suceso. El consejero ha calificado de "increíble e inconcebible" que una persona se dirija a un centro de salud y hiera "de forma indiscriminada a la gente que se dedica a salvar vidas". Ha definido la situación como de "espanto y horror", pero sin embargo ha resaltado que este centro de salud "no era de los conflictivos".
El alcalde, por su parte, ha querido resaltar "la profesionalidad de la policía municipal" por la rapidez y eficacia con la que han detenido al agresor, y ha informado de que los psicólogos del Consistorio están atendiendo a los facultativos del centro. El ambulatorio permanece cerrado y así permanecerá probablemente el resto del día. Los pacientes están siendo derivados a otros ambulatorios cercanos, los de la calle Francia y la calle Teruel.

Itália: 6 muçulmanos presos por incitamento ao ódio

Isto é perseguição religiosa: eles estão apenas a cumprir os preceitos do islão: querem castigar os que colaboraram na apostasia de um muçulmano. Tudo normal, na perspectiva muçulmana. Incitam os muçulmanos a não se integrarem na sociedade italiana: tudo normal: o que os muçulmanos devem fazer não é transformar-se em muçulmanos ocidentais, mas sim transformar o Ocidente no islão ocidental.
Enfim: há que ler sobre o islão para perceber que estes homens não são extremistas, mas zelosos muçulmanos.

ROME (AP) - Italian police on Friday arrested six Moroccan men suspected of inciting hatred against Pope Benedict XVI for converting a Muslim journalist in Italy to Catholicism.

Stefano Fonsi, head of Brescia police's anti-terrorism squad in northern Italy, said the suspects allegedly banded together and met privately with the goal of stirring up religious hatred against non-Muslims, including the pope.

Investigators say they found literature exhorting Muslim immigrants against integrating into Italian society and saying the pope should be punished for having baptized the journalist during an Easter vigil ceremony in St. Peter's Basilica.

The investigation grew out of security checks ahead of a pastoral visit by Benedict to Brescia in 2009, but authorities insisted that their probe revealed no plot against the pontiff or other terrorism aims.

Brescia Prosecutor Fabio Salmone said there was "absolutely no" indication that the group had attacks in mind. "I rule that out," he told reporters. "There wasn't even a plan" to organize attacks, he said.

In 2008, Egyptian-born journalist Magdi Allam angered some Muslims by becoming a Catholic. After being baptized, he changed his name to Magdi Cristiano Allam. He had built a career in Italy as a newspaper commentator and author attacking Islamic extremism and supporting Israel.

See more at romancatholicblog.typepad.com

Alemanha: avança a xariá

Um tribunal alemão dá razão a um muçulmano trabalhador num supermercado que se recusou a arrumar garrafas de bebidas alcoólicas.
Assim vai avançando a xariá e o islão:

Amplify’d from www.bivouac-id.com

Un tribunal allemand vient de statuer que les employés musulmans de supermarchés ne sont pas obligés d’approvisionner le rayon alcool.

Un employé musulman d’un supermarché allemand avait été licencié après avoir refusé pour raisons religieuses de mettre des bouteilles d’alcool en rayon.  La plus haute cour de justice en droit du travail du pays a jugé que le refus de ce travailleur était fondée.

Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’un employé musulman se pourvoit en justice en Allemagne pour réclamer le droit de pratiquer sa religion au travail. Un certain nombre d’affaires ayant fait grand bruit ces dernières années impliquaient des musulmanes qui voulaient obtenir le droit de porter leur foulard au travail.

Mais cette affaire-ci est inhabituelle et sujette à controverses : la plus haute cour de justice allemande en droit du travail a statué qu’un employé musulman dans un supermarché peut refuser de manipuler de l’alcool pour des raisons religieuses.

L’affaire concerne un musulman employé dans un supermarché de Kiel, au nord de l’Allemagne. Il avait refusé de mettre en rayon des boissons alcoolisées en disant que sa religion lui interdisait d’entrer en contact avec l’alcool. Suite à cela, il avait été licencié en mars 2008.

Dans son jugement de jeudi, la cour fédérale du travail d’Allemagne a confirmé que les employés peuvent refuser certaines tâches pour des raisons religieuses. S’il existe une tâche alternative qu’ils peuvent accomplir qui soit compatible avec leur religion et utile à l’entreprise, alors l’employeur est obligé de leur permettre de la faire. L’entreprise ne peut licencier son employé que s’il n’existe pas d’alternative réaliste.

L’affaire de l’employé est désormais renvoyée à un tribunal de premier degré qui devra dire si le supermarché aurait pu confier à cet homme une tâche alternative à accomplir. Si c’est le cas, son licenciement deviendra caduc.

Cette affaire a déjà fait froncer des sourcils en Allemagne. Des analystes ont rappelé que le Coran interdit seulement la consommation d’alcool, et pas la manipulation de bouteilles. Un éditorial en première page de l’édition de vendredi du Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, le principal journal conservateur d’Allemagne, a fait remarquer que l’employé avait apparemment eu la révélation de ses penchants religieux en 2008, il avait en effet travaillé auparavant dans le rayon des alcools du supermarché sans s’en plaindre.

Source : Spiegel
Traduction Bivouac-ID, signalé par tnr

Schéma classique : l’adepte de la religion de tolérance™ refuse les règles du jeu, crée le problème, se pose en victime, et réclame qu’on joue selon les règles de l’islam. C’est la tactique des petits pas maintes fois dénoncée sur Bivouac-ID, on pousse le bouchon un peu plus loin à chaque fois, on voit si ça passe, et si ça ne passe pas, on temporise, on attaque ailleurs et on ressaie un peu plus tard. Les bonnes âmes s’étonneront ensuite que les entreprises aient quelque réticence à embaucher des individus revendiquant ostensiblement leur appartenance à la secte verdâtre. Et ce plus encore, lorsque des tribunaux irresponsables donnent raison à ces derniers.

Pour comprendre l’origine islamique du problème, voici quelques hadiths du prophète d’amour, de paix, et de tolérance™ :

Le Prophète a dit : Allah a maudit le vin, celui qui le boit, le sert, le vend, l’achète, le presse et celui pour qui il est pressé, celui qui le transporte et celui pour qui il est transporté. (récit de Abdullah ibn Umar, Dawud XXVI 3666)

Le Prophète a dit : Si des gens boivent du vin, fouettez-les, s’ils boivent encore, fouettez-les. S’ils boivent encore une fois, tuez-les. (récit de Mu’wiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, Dawud XXXVIII 4467)

Read more at www.bivouac-id.com


Turquia: mosteiro cristão milenar em risco

Quando ouvimos alguém defender a adesão da Turquia à UE, devemos perguntar-nos imediatamente a razão de tal posição. Ignorância? Maquiavelismo? Ingenuidade?

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org

Zenit News, a Rome-based international Catholic news agency, reports on the latest example of Turkey sliding away from its secular constitution, back toward the intolerance that characterized the Ottoman Empire. No, the Turks aren’t kidnapping first-born boys to serve as janissaries… yet. Here’s what is happening:

Not even the Mongols of the 14th century, when they killed 40 monks and some 400 faithful, succeeded in making one of the most ancient Christian convents in the world disappear, but perhaps Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey, can.
The convent in question belongs to a church that suffered Islamic conquest in the 8th century, the Syrian Orthodox, and the story of that church and this convent is a microcosm of Islamic intolerance in action. The convent of Mor Gabriel in the region of Turabdin, in southeastern Anatolia, was founded in 397. Zenit notes that Mor Gabriel isn’t just an ancient church; known to Syrian Christians as the "‘second Jerusalem,’ Mor Gabriel is in fact the See of the Metropolitan Mor Timotheus Samuel Aktas and the cultural and spiritual center of the dwindling Syro-Orthodox community of Turkey and of numerous Syriacs who've emigrated to the West. Just 50 years ago, some 130,000 Syriacs lived in the region of Turabdin… but today their number has decreased to just a few thousand.” Indeed, the once thriving monastic complex “today houses a small community of three monks and 14 sisters.”

Now the Islamic supremacists who are inexorably taking power in Turkey (thanks to democratic “reforms”) want to seize and liquidate what little is left of this ancient Christian community. Zenit cites a concerted campaign against Mor Gabriel “initiated in 2008 by the leaders of three Kurdish villages dominated by a tribe supported in Parliament by one of their leaders, Suleyman Celebi, who is a Parliamentarian with the pro-Islamic ruling party of Erdogan.” The Kurds are accusing the monks of:

  • Trying to convert Muslims to Christianity (so much for religious freedom in this aspiring EU member state), a charge the monks deny.

  • Residing on a site where a mosque once stood, “an unfounded and even absurd accusation, given that Mor Gabriel well precedes the birth of Islam.” Not that such considerations of logic or history ever cut much ice with Muslims before. The “history” in question is part of the jahiliyya, in any case, so what is the point of studying it?

  • Stealing Turkish public land to use for farming.
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

Egipto: exército ataque mosteiros cristãos a gritos de "Allahu akbar"

Usaram fogo real, feriram monges e operários de um dos mosteiros, impediram a evacuação dos feridos.

A «democracia» e a «liberdade» à muçulmana não são maravilhosas?

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
(AINA) -- For the second time in as many days, Egyptian armed force stormed the 5th century old St. Bishoy monastery in Wadi el-Natroun, 110 kilometers from Cairo. Live ammunition was fired, wounding two monks and six Coptic monastery workers. Several sources confirmed the army's use of RPG ammunition. Four people have been arrested including three monks and a Coptic lawyer who was at the monastery investigating yesterday's army attack.

Monk Aksios Ava Bishoy told activist Nader Shoukry of Freecopts the armed forces stormed the main entrance gate to the monastery in the morning using five tanks, armored vehicles and a bulldozer to demolish the fence built by the monastery last month to protect themselves and the monastery from the lawlessness which prevailed in Egypt during the January 25 Uprising.

"When we tried to address them, the army fired live bullets, wounding Father Feltaows in the leg and Father Barnabas in the abdomen," said Monk Ava Bishoy. "Six Coptic workers in the monastery were also injured, some with serious injuries to the chest." [...]

Father Hemanot Ava Bishoy said the army fired live ammunition and RPGs continuously for 30 minutes, which hit part of the ancient fence inside the monastery. "The army was shocked to see the monks standing there praying 'Lord have mercy' without running away. This is what really upset them," he said. "As the soldiers were demolishing the gate and the fence they were chanting 'Allahu Akbar' and 'Victory, Victory'."

He also added that the army prevented the monastery's car from taking the injured to hospital.

The army also attacked the Monastery of St. Makarios of Alexandria in Wady el-Rayan, Fayoum, 100 km from Cairo. It stormed the monastery and fired live ammunition on the monks. Father Mina said that one monk was shot and more than ten have injuries caused by being beaten with batons. The army demolished the newly erected fence and one room from the actual monastery and confiscated building materials. The monastery had also built a fence to protect itself after January 25 and after being attacked by armed Arabs and robbers leading to the injury of six monks, including one monk in critical condition who is still hospitalized. [...]

The Egyptian Armed Forces issued a statement on their Facebook page denying that any attack took place on St. Bishoy Monastery in Wady el-Natroun, "Reflecting our belief in the freedom and chastity of places of worship of all Egyptians." The statement went on to say that the army just demolished some fences built on State property and that it has no intention of demolishing the monastery itself...

Father Hedra Ava Bishoy said they are in possession of whole carton of empty bullet shells besides the people who are presently in hospital to prove otherwise....

"We contacted state security and they said there was no police available for protection," said Father Bemwa," So we called the Egyptian TV dozens of times to appeal for help and then we were put in touch with the military personnel who told us to protect ourselves until they reach us." He added that the monks have built a low fence on the borders of one side of the monastery which is vulnerable to attacks, on land which belongs to the monastery, with the monks and monastery laborers keeping watch over it 24 hours a day....

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org


Índia: escola cristã incendiada por rumores sobre a conversão de um muçulmano ao cristianismo

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
Srinagar (AsiaNews) - Suspected Islamic militants set fire on Feb. 19 to the School of the Convent of St. Luke, a Protestant educational institution that began its activities about 17 years ago in Srinagar, Kashmir. The damage is estimated at 60 million rupees (958 thousand euro). The attack occurred at about 22.30 local time. Eight rooms, including classrooms, library and computer labs were completely destroyed.

The school's principal, Grace Paljor, said they are currently compiling an inventory of the damages, which are now calculated for 60 million rupees. She also claims to have been verbally threatened, several times, before the accident, for being Christian. The school has 450 students. At the time of the attack it was closed for the holidays and so there was no harm to people. The school will reopen on 1 March.

"The school administration is used to receiving threatening phone calls from time to time from extremists. They had threatened to set fire to the school, and have carried out their threat. After the Tyndale Biscoe was burned in August of 2010, the extremists have begun to target the Christian schools in the valley. We complained to the Munshi Bagh police station. " Sources have told AsiaNews that the school has been targeted because of baseless rumours about a conversion....

The President of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) has condemned the attack. Sajan K. George told AsiaNews: "Even the most mild and unfounded rumours can cause criminal acts of the fundamentalists. The school was burned down because of false and fabricated rumour of an attempted conversion. In September 2010, Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson schools have suffered the same fate for the same reason. In November 2006, the GCIC coordinator for Kashmir, Bashir Tantray, was killed by Islamic militants. The Christian community has been targeted by religious fundamentalists. We demand that the authorities of Jammu and Kashmir protect Christians”.

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

Dinamarca: guetos fora do controlo das autoridades

Aarhus: Immigrant ghetto could become a 'state within a state'

Translated from JP (h/t Uriasposten):

The Aarhus municipality recently held a meeting on how to make the Gellerup immigrant ghetto a safer place. Several social workers of non-Danish origin warn of the developments in Gellerup.

"We are heading towards a 100% parallel society, if we don't intervene now. It's become normal for people to clear up problems behind closed doors," says Wamid Hassan, coordinator for Unge 4 Unge (Youth4Youth), who is doing outreach work among children and youth in Gellerup.

He was one of the speakers at the municipality's conference titled "Safety in Gellerup" and he sees a trend where imams are increasing being used to solve conflicts.

The meeting was held after the heated debate this past autumn about ghettos in Denmark. The police then warned about increasing trends towards parallel societies, and later published statistics about falling crime rates to highlight the positive trends.

Another speaker, Fadi Kassem, a social worker with the hotspot project, is also concerned.

"We no longer call a spade a spade. We getting youth filled with hate, filled with contempt towards what we others represent. Therefore the police and the municipal authorities have problems in this area," says Fadi Kassem.
Read more at islamineurope.blogspot.com


Tunísia: mais sinais de avanço da democracia: bordéis e prostitutas atacados

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
"Tunisian prostitutes terrorized by Islamists," from Ennahar Online, February 20:
TUNIS - Tunisia Prostitutes living in fear of another attack since the Islamists tried to burn down the main prostitution district in Tunis. "I no longer go out, I fear they burn me alive", says one of them.

Armed with Molotov cocktails, "small bottles filled with gasoline" and "Long Knives" chanting "Allah Akbar" Islamists have tried to set fire Friday to brothels in the district of Guechi Abdallah in Tunis near the Medina.

Dressed in jeans and leather jackets, according to pictures taken by mobile phones, they were dispersed in the meandering alleys of this neighborhood by police and military.

In the courtyard of a brothel where dry sadly old fluorescent color panties, a dozen prostitutes in fine lines drawn with eyebrow pencil, trying to show "strong" in front of the "Islamist terrorists."

Smoking cigarette after cigarette, Mariam, 35, "owner" of a brothel frequented, according to her, by "the Chinese, Germans, Italians, Algerians, Egyptians, French, Libyans and "others" is still in shock.

"I was terrified," she said, that they wanted to burn us alive, it was too much for me and my colleagues who are my family."

One of the prostitutes, Lamia, a 38 year old blonde, wearing shorts and black wool gaiters, wonders, she said, "why they did that."...

Why, they did it for Allah.

Islamic supremacists always claim the moral high ground against the West. Yet a moral calculus that decries prostitution while justifying mass murder and even regarding it as service to the supreme being is, at best, peculiar. It ought to go without saying that one may oppose and deplore prostitution while leaving the molotov cocktails and threats to burn people alive out of it. But there are a great many things that ought to go without saying nowadays that instead need to be articulated with ever greater force and precision.
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org


Santiago do Cacém: Igreja matriz em destaque em França

Ou muito me engano (espero bem que sim) ou não tardará muito a que alguma organização de defesa dos emigrantes ou das minorias religiosas não-cristãs, ou alguma organização de historiadores progressistas em nome da memória histórica venha a exigir a alteração do brasão da cidade de Santiago do Cacém, por islamófoba, por incitamento à violência racial (sim, racial) e sabe Deus mais o quê, que a imaginação desta gente vai muito além do que o meu pessimismo consegue prever:

Amplify’d from www.agencia.ecclesia.pt
Beja, 21 Fev (Ecclesia) – A igreja matriz de Santiago do Cacém, no litoral alentejano, surgiu em destaque na edição de Janeiro de 2011 da revista de cultura e religião «France Catholique», num artigo dedicado ao tema «Santiago Mata-mouros».
A publicação refere, em particular, o alto-relevo de «Santiago combatendo os Mouros» da igreja matriz, incluindo duas fotografias desta peça e, ainda, a reprodução do brasão da cidade de Santiago do Cacém, distrito de Setúbal e diocese de Beja.
José António Falcão, director do Departamento do Património Histórico e Artístico da diocese de Beja, registou “com grande satisfação que tenha sido dado o maior destaque a Santiago do Cacém, cidade já reconhecida pelas instituições francesas como uma referência no Caminho de Santiago”.
“É uma verdadeira vitória para Santiago e para a sua importância histórica a nível mundial", acrescenta, em nota enviada à Agência ECCLESIA.
A diocese tem procurado promover a integração do Alentejo no contexto do Caminho de Santiago, que os peregrinos percorrem até ao santuário galego de Compostela (noroeste espanhol), e chamar a atenção para o centro histórico de Santiago do Cacém, considerado pelos especialistas de grande relevância monumental.
Read more at www.agencia.ecclesia.pt

Greenfield: extremismo avança no Egipto e na Tunísia

E mais: nos EUA, parece ter sido H. Clinton a moderar os instintos revolucionários, anti-americanos, islamófilos e antidemocráticos do presidente Obama, que continua a ser muito mais leniente com a repressão exercida sobre os manifestantes iranianos que sobre os restantes, ou seja: os manifestantes que querem derrubar uma ditadura teocrática merecem de Obama menos apoio que os que pretendiam e pretendem derrubar regimes islâmicos moderados, ainda que nada recomendáveis.

Amplify’d from sultanknish.blogspot.com
in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood is predictably on the way up. Qaradawi gave his big speech to 200,000 in Tahrir Square. Naturally the call was to dismantle the security services and open up the border with Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas controlled Gaza. Like Khomeini before him, Qaradawi made a point of cloaking the whole thing in democratic language. The "revolution must continue" message however means, exactly what it meant the USSR and France, that the revolution will become a purification process of which only the most extreme will survive.

Qaradawi's condemnation of "hypocrites" echoes Khomeini's inveighing against the hypocrites who are Muslims but do not want an Islamic state. Qaradawi is not being specific yet, but he doesn't need to be. As the chaos continues and the infighting among his liberal allies covers them all in mud, the Muslim Brotherhood will look like the incorruptible solution.

I have seen reassurances that the Muslim Brotherhood can only take 20 percent. But 20 percent against a landscape of divided parties would still put the MB in the driver's seat. The Egyptian Twitterati are already scrambling for power and fighting among themselves. Wael Ghonim has already gone from martyr to accused hypocrite. And so one by one, the Egyptian left will break down, and the Brotherhood will inherit what remains in a temporary coalition.

The Muslim Brotherhood is united while its rivals are divided. And that is why unless the military intervenes, it will win.

In Tunisia, "democracy" has meant violent attacks on Jews and Christians.
TUNIS (Reuters) - A Polish priest was murdered in the Tunisian capital Friday, state media cited the Interior Ministry as saying, the latest sign of rising religious tension since last month's revolution.

Mark Marios Rebaski was found dead at the School of Our Lady in Manouba where he worked, Tunisia Africa Press reported. His throat had been cut.

"The Ministry of the Interior condemns this act and regrets the death. Based on results of the preliminary investigation, including the method of assassination, it believes a group of terrorist fascists with extremist tendencies was behind this crime," it said.
Of course he won't be the last. Once "democracy" really takes off.
So much for Never Again. In the Muslim world, "Never Again" read as, "Try Harder Next Time". The same liberal media which makes a fetish of Holocaust commemorations (so long as they're being used to teach us all universal tolerance) has nothing to say about. And what is there to say.

This is Muslim democracy. Get used to it. That's the message for the Jews and Christians of the Middle East, any female Western reporters who broadcast without heavy security and really the rest of the world.
reports say that the more reasonable tone on Egypt was due to Hillary, and that Barry Hussein wanted an immediate endorsement of the Leftist-Islamist assault on Mubarak. Which shouldn't surprise anyone.

The paper reported that Obama was "seething" over State Department officials's statement suggesting that the administration did not want a quick transition of power in Egypt, with President Hosni Mubarak stepping down from his office immediately.
Obama felt that the State Department "made it look as if the administration were protecting a dictator and ignoring the pleas of the youths of Cairo."
Oddly though the Twelfth Imam did not seem anywhere as forceful when it came to Iran. Now Obama released a statement condemning violence against protesters. See if you can spot which country he left out.
"I am deeply concerned by reports of violence in Bahrain, Libya and Yemen," Obama said in the statement.
Iran goes unmentioned despite the clashes there. And that's not a coincidence.
Obama jumped on Mubarak, but gave Ahmadinejad a free pass. And he's kept on doing it over and over again. Because the overthrow of a pro-American government serves his purposes. The overthrow of an anti-American regime does not.

Richard Perle wonders why Obama isn't backing Iran's democracy movement. Because it actually is a Democracy movement. Obama is not a fan of Democracy, he is a fan of Islam and enthusiastic about anyone who hates America.

Spain and the UK are protesting the detention of a Spanish diplomat in Iran. Obama has again made no mention of it. He did make the following hypocritical statement
"My hope and expectation is that we're going to continue to see the people of Iran have the courage to be able to express their yearning for greater freedoms and a more representative government, understanding that America cannot ultimately dictate what happens inside of Iran any more than it could inside of Egypt."
Except of course Obama did his best to dictate what happens inside of Egypt. He's made no such attempt in Iran.

And in final bit of good news still, Iranian warships will be headed through the Suez Canal. Thank you neo-conservatives, you have truly made the Middle East freer and more stable than ever.
Read more at sultanknish.blogspot.com


Armas zoológicas de destruição sionista

Leia tudo!

Amplify’d from www.newsrealblog.com

Arabs specifically and many Muslims in general know that the Jews, especially Israeli Jews, are brilliant and diabolical. They use their scientific knowledge to advance their nefarious cause, building ever-increasingly sophisticated weapons whose only purpose is to harass and annoy Arabs.

But the Zionist brilliance is not limited to chemistry, electronics and medicine. Apparently, the Zionist Jews are experts at weaponizing animals to carry out unspeakable acts of espionage and vandalism.

Every couple of months, the Arab media describes such schemes in detail.

Here, for the first time, is the most complete known list of Zionist animal plots.

And we’re starting with…

13. Evil Zionist Poison-Resistant Super-Rats

In 2008, the official Wafa Palestinian Arab news agency — under the direct control of PA president Mahmoud Abbas — reported that Israel is using rats to drive Arabs out of the Old City of Jerusalem.

“Rats have become an Israeli weapon to displace and expel Arab residents of the occupied Old City of Jerusalem,” Wafa reported.

“Over the past two months, dozens of settlers come to the alleyways and streets of the Old City carrying iron cages full of rats. They release the rats, which find shelter in open sewage systems.”

Wafa went on to quote anonymous Arab residents as saying that they had tried to poison the rats but nothing worked.

Hasan Khater, secretary-general of the Islamic-Christian Front in Jerusalem, said that the goal was to “increase the suffering of the [Arabs] in Jerusalem by turning their lives into a real tragedy and forcing them to evict their homes and leave the city.”

Palestine Today added that the rats were damaging Arab shops and homes.

As we speak, evil Zionist scientists are breeding these super-rats. Poison and deadly traps cannot kill them.

But more impressively, the rats are trained to distinguish between Jewish and Arab homes and shops in Jerusalem, and only attack the Arabs. This is no doubt the result of years of genetic research combined with

How are the Jews so successful at training animals to carry out such spectacular feats of harassment, espionage, and assassinations?

Almost certainly the answer can be found in the Koran, where evil Jews were turned into apes and pigs. Clearly, that experience acclimated Jews to being part of the animal kingdom, and they learned over the centuries how to communicate with other animals and teach them to do their bidding.

Which just goes to show that no matter what you do to the Jews, they always manage to find a way to make it work out for them. They’re as clever as a fox, aren’t they?

Read more at www.newsrealblog.com