Aguarda-se os protestos dos progressistas em geral, dos defensores dos direitos humanos e dos imigrantes em particular. Sentado.
In Dubai, Bangladeshi workers, who build those skyscrapers and scrub those toilets and drive those trucks and generally keep the place humming, went on strike. They talked about organizing themselves and starting a union. The government of Dubai responded by immediately starting deportation proceedings against them.
The fact that they are fellow Sunni Muslims is not as important as the fact that they are not ethnic Arabs. In the eyes of their overlords, they are inferior and they are easily replaceable. A dime a dozen, or more accurately $200 a month per worker on average.
The Bangladeshis had the temerity to ask for an additional $50 a month, and without even a “fine how do you do,” they will be immediately thrown out on the next flight. Next!
There will be no enraged Muslims marching in protest. There will be no denunciation from the UN or the “human rights organizations.” There will be no case filed at the International Court of Justice at the Hague. There will be no newspaper headlines, nor man-on-the-street interviews on television.
How many times have we seen a Muslim immigrant who makes speeches openly calling for the overthrow of our government, and who is not deported? Or, is convicted of rape or other serious felonies, or spends their entire life here collecting welfare and health insurance, or in many other ways drains the resources of the kuffar while providing no concomitant benefit, and yet is immune to deportation?
Read more at sheikyermami.comWe are told that the deportation of Muslim immigrants back to their ancestral homelands, to the lands where they spent their childhood, to the lands where the local language is their primary language and the local customs are their own familiar customs, would be a warcrime akin to genocide. We are told that everyone has a right to come here, that our borders must remain open and immigration must remain unfettered. To place any sensible limits on immigration is to be xenophobic and racist.