
Homicida da filha pode não chegar a ser julgado

Geller não pode crer que ao indivíduo que atropelou a filha, que fez marcha-atrás para voltar a esmagá-la por ela não ser suficientemente muçulmana possa ser proposto um acordo judicial, evitando, assim, o julgamento, logo a exposição pública das motivações religiosas para semelhante atrocidade.

O islão no Ocidente avança na medida em que os ocidentais o permitem.
State prosecutor Stephanie Low said Almaleki  admitted purposefully running down his daughter." -- " 'By his own admission, this was an intentional act and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family,' Low said. 'This was an attempt at an honor killing.' "
Noor Almaleki was the murder victim in an Islamic honor killing. In November 2009, her Muslim father deliberately ran her over with his car, backed up, then ran her over again. She hung on for weeks. She succumbed. She did not submit.
Noor almal
Honor killing should be a capital crime. Islamic honor killing is on the rise in the West, a gruesome gallery. Honor killings in the West should be stamped out, not sanctioned. They should be dealt with in the harshest terms.
But we hear a plea deal is being negotiated for the cold-blooded Muslim who murdered his beautiful daughter for being too Americanized. He ran her over with a car, backed up and ran her over again. A plea deal.
Is acceptance of Islamic gender apartheid seeping its way into the American culture? Is the worth of a female in America beginning to mimic that of Muslim countries?
A plea deal.
Is the prosecution afraid they may insult Islam if they bring this honor killing case to trial? Is this more sharia enforcement in American courts? 
Faleh Hassan Almaleki should have been given the death penalty, but he cried "racism" when it was being considered. Islam is not a race, and he murdered his daughter. His lawyer said at the time:
"An open process provides some level of assurance that there is no appearance that a Christian is seeking to execute a Muslim for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," Little wrote, referring to County Attorney Andrew Thomas' Christian faith.
A Muslim father runs over and kills his daughter with his car because she wasn't Muslim enough, but justice cannot be served  because that would be  "Christian" "islamophobia." We can't seek the death penalty "for racial, political, religious or cultural beliefs," but he can kill his daughter for his religious and political (sharia) beliefs.
Prosecutors said Almaleki has admitted killing his daughter because she disgraced the family by not following traditional Muslim values.
Faleh Hassan Almaleki should be executed. Instead, they are talking a plea deal.
Read more at atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com

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