
Alemanha: curdo iraquiano decapitado por libaneses

Amplify’d from sheikyermami.com
Germans will have to become accustomed  to this form of cultural enrichment. A 30-year old Kurd from Iraq was properly executed on Friday in the backyard of a baker’s shop in Kiel- Gaarden by a group of Lebanese Kurds. The victim had to kneel down before his torturers, before they slit his throat and cut his head off in cold blood. The SPD (Socialist Party) local adviser chairman Bruno Levtzow had nothing better to do than urgently warning “of sweeping judgements or generalizations”,
which would  “cause injustice to the large majority of the law-abiding immigrants”:
which would  “cause injustice to the large majority of the law-abiding immigrants”:
Read more at sheikyermami.com

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