
Ajuda da UE apenas para países que protegem as minorias cristãs

O Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Itália, Franco Fratini, propõe que a UE reduza os apoios, ou que os suspenda, aos países que não protegem das suas minorias cristãs.

Uma medida na linha do que vimos defendendo, na esfera do princípio da reciprocidade.

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Italy: EU Aid Should Be Tied To Christians’ Rights – FM

January 3, 2011 Stratfor:
EU aid should be reduced or eliminated for countries that do not protect Christian minorities, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said Jan. 3, ANSA reported. Twenty-one Coptic Christians were killed in Alexandria, Egypt, during a church bombing Jan. 1. Italy cannot stay “isolated” in the battle for Christians’ rights and must shift from monitoring to action, Frattini said. The European Union should work with and encourage countries that respect Christians’ rights, he said. Italy will present a resolution on religious freedom to the United Nations; the resolution is supported by the European Union, and several non-EU nations have expressed “great interest.”

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