
Alemanha: coptas alvo de ameaças

Tal como na Áustria e na Suécia, na Alemanha os coptas não estão a salvo da perseguição religiosa que os muçulmanos tradicionalmente movem contra eles. Será que tiveram a ingenuidade de pensar que estariam a salvo dessa perseguição na Europa apóstata, também referida como "pós-cristã"?

A única nota surpreendente nesta notícia - na qual podemos ver mais uma demonstração da islamização da Europa, onde os muçulmanos já se atrevem a perseguir os árabes não-muçulmanos - são as palavras do líder "ecologista" alemão:
Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
Bishop Anba Damian, head of the Coptic Church in Germany, told Bild am Sonntag newspaper that he had asked the government for special protection out of fear his church's followers would be targeted.
"Before Christmas, the internet was full of threats against us," he said. "The police have warned us several times of the danger of attacks by radical Muslims. I have therefore written to the Interior Ministry and asked for protection."...
Deputy chairwoman of the conservative Christian Democratic Union and Education Minister Annette Schavan called on the Egyptian government to more clearly distance itself from such religious attacks.
"Muslim authorities in Cairo and elsewhere must take an unambiguous position against all forms of violence in the name of religion," she told daily Hamburger Abendblatt. "They must make clear that they reject violence against other religions."
Greens parliamentary leader Volker Beck told the Frankfurter Rundschau that Egypt and other states such as Nigeria that had recently experienced religious attacks had to act more firmly to stamp out such violence.
"A condemnation of such attacks is not enough," Beck said. "Egypt and other states must firmly confront the demon of religious intolerance."...
"The West, out of foreign policy considerations, systematically looks the other way," Beck said....
Hans-Peter Uhl, foreign and security spokesman for the Christian Social Union - the CDU's Bavarian sister party - warned violence by Islamic extremists could spill over into Germany. He called on moderate Muslims to clearly distance themselves from such violence.
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

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