
Arquidiocese de Washington: não basta pôr a etiqueta «católico» para ser católico

Amplify’d from wdtprs.com
WASHINGTON, D.C., December 8, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has reaffirmed the illegitimate status of Catholics for Equality, a budding homosexualist “Catholic” group that is scheduled to be hosted at a student event at Georgetown University on Wednesday evening.
“Putting the label ‘Catholic’ on a group doesn’t make it Catholic,” Gibbs told LifeSiteNews.com. “It’s not a Catholic organization. It was formed in opposition to Catholic teaching.”
The recently-founded Catholics for Equality is closely tied with the Human Rights Campaign, a leading homosexualist organization in America with whom at least three of the group’s founding board members are associated.
One of the founding board members, Tony Adams, is a gay ex-priest and blogger who has called Pope Benedict XVI a “childish idiot” and a closeted homosexual.
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