
Videoteca do islão: Quran in Kopf

Excelente documentário.

O segundo video, o da entrevista, não tem legendas, mas uma tradução para inglês pode ser seguida no youtube seleccionando a opção, à direita sob o video, «Transcrição interactiva».
É impressionante como os jornalistas conseguem sempre encontrar um especialista no islão disposto a fazer afirmações apaziguadoras, que ressoam na mente ocidental mas são absorvidas, sem qualquer eco, na mente dos que efectivamente conhecem e praticam a religião islâmica. Ignorarão ou simplesmente preferem não fazer caso da doutrina da Abrogação dos versículos pacíficos do Alcorão, revogados pelos beligerantes posteriores?

Amplify’d from kitmantv.blogspot.com
Remarkable german documentary about the gradual radicalisation and moral deroute of Barino Barzoum. Son of a coptic christian father and german catholic mother.
It details how the Quran disguises seeds of hate and scorn as indisputable opinions of the creator of the universe. This mixture of ruthlessnes and worship has a very interesting albeit devastating influence on the believer. Making an otherwise intelligent person loose his natural capacity for making moral judgements.

Highly recommended for anyone intererested in the psychology of islamic mindgames and memes

I went through the trouble of translating and subtitling this one myself mainly because I consider it the most important german documentary about Islam. In the sequel which I hope I will be able to translate at a later time, Barino leaves Islam and joins the church of the coptic christians. And today he is one of the most dedicated and outspoken people in germany warning against the threat of radical Islam. I have this gut feeling that a day will come when everybody will know who Barino is, and thought it would be good to present this record of his years in the Abu Bakr Mosque to an international audience.

If you like the film, please recommend it to friends and family.
German Speakers can also visit his website at

youtube Playlist http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=325400E43CE2210C
Here is a small translated interview with the reformed Barino from german television
See more at kitmantv.blogspot.com

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