
Jihad como presente de Natal

Já demos conta do incitamento à perturbação da paz social durante a época natalícia através de alarmes de falsos atentados terroristas e de atentado reais:

Do Iraque, chegam notícias de que os zelosos muçulmanos se preparam para estragar as festas natalícias aos cristãos, ou, na perspectiva deles, de oferecer os seus presentes favoritos: bombas!

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org

"Iraq: Plot to bomb US, European countries revealed," by Qassim Abdul-zahra for the Associated Press, December 15 (thanks to JCB):

BAGHDAD - Iraqi authorities have obtained confessions from captured insurgents who claim al-Qaida is planning suicide attacks in the United States and Europe during the Christmas season, two senior officials said Wednesday.

Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad al-Bolani told The Associated Press that the botched bombing in central Stockholm last weekend was among the alleged plots the insurgents revealed. Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, in a telephone interview from New York, called the claims "a critical threat."...

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

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