
Político conservador holandês aconselha judeus a emigrar

Isto porque, com o aumento da população muçulmana visceralmente anti-semita na Holanda e com a ineficácia das políticas que visam a sua integração e aceitação dos valores de tolerância holandeses, as vidas dos judeus estão em risco.

Tudo normal!
Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org
"No future for Dutch Orthodox Jews,'" from Radio Netherlands Worldwide, December 6 (thanks to Fjordman):
Prominent VVD politician Frits Bolkestein believes there is no future for 'active' Jews in the Netherlands. The conservative politician made his remarks in an interview with freesheet De Pers.
In the interview, Mr Bolkestein says that when he talks about active Jews he means those who are recognisable as such, for instance Orthodox Jews. The former EU Commissioner says there is no future for this group in the Netherlands because of "the anti-Semitism among Dutchmen of Moroccan descent, whose numbers keep growing''.
He feels that this group of Jews should encourage their children to emigrate to either the United States or Israel, because he has little confidence in the effectiveness of the government's proposals for fighting anti-Semitism....
"Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews..." -- Qur'an 5:82
Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

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