
O cristianicídio continua

Enquanto no Ocidente ― Portugal incluído ― os media se afadigavam em condenar o pastor protestante que se propunha queimar o Alcorão, os fiéis seguidores da religião que tem esse livro como sagrado continuam a fazer o que o livro manda (e. g. Alcorão 8:39)

Amplify’d from vladtepesblog.com

While the west debates burning Korans, the Islamic world continues its genocide

A few days ago, Vlad published a movie of Christians being burned alive and beaten for being not Muslim. This got exactly no MSM attention of course. Neither does this:

I wonder if Petraeus and NATO, Obama, the mayor of NYC or any world leaders will bother to say anything about any of this.

Read more at vladtepesblog.com

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