
Activistas pró-Palestina estupradas pelos seus protegidos (2)

Já aqui demos conta de uma notícia que relatava uma série de ocorrências triplamente trágicas de raparigas que protestam a favor da causa palestiniana serem violadas pelos homens cujos direitos pretendem defender; que não são protegidas pelas organizações que as colocam no terreno; e de serem pressionadas pelos seus protegidos e pelas organizações referidas a não apresentar queixa, nem a tornar públicas as suas tormentas. Aquilo que, à primeira vista, podia parecer uma inclinação desbragada de indivíduos que não são educados a controlar os seus impulsos, nem a respeitar as mulheres, parece agora uma estratégia para forçar as raparigas a ficar nos campos de refugiados, contra a sua vontade, grávidas e sem qualquer apoio. Quem conhece minimamente a história da interacção entre o islão e a Europa ― sobretudo a do sul ―, sabe que foi prática sistemática muçulmana, até ao séc. XIX, capturar europeus, posteriormente vendidos como escravos, quer em razias¹ (incursões armadas costa adentro), quer através de actos de pirataria marítima, obra dos corsários que ficaram conhecidos como Piratas Berberes (Barbary Pirates²). Enquanto os escravos de sexo masculino eram maioritariamente destinados aos trabalhos forçados e outras actividades vis, as mulheres ― devido ao encanto que as suas peles claras exerciam sobre os árabes e ao facto de, sendo mulheres e "infiéis", não lhes ser reconhecida qualquer dignidade humana pelos seus proprietários ―, eram destinadas à escravidão sexual (como as árabes). Pelos vistos, a tendência mantém-se, ainda que por meios distintos. Deus as ajude.
«Two activists have exposed a disturbing phenomenon that they say is an open secret within the “peace camp”: female “peace” activists are routinely harassed and raped by the Arabs of Judea and Samaria with whom they have come to identify. They say the phenomenon has gotten worse lately and that many foreign women end up as wives of local Arabs against their will, but cannot escape their new homes. (...) It turns out (...) that when female peace activists from Israel and abroad come out to Judea and Samaria and demonstrate against the Israeli “occupation,” they are assaulted sexually by the Arab men whom they have come to help. These are not isolated incidents, Aloni-Sedovnik stresses. Rather, this is an “ongoing and widespread” phenomenon that includes verbal and physical abuse. She accuses the peace camp of purposely covering up the trend so as not to offend “the Palestinians and their heritage, which sees women as sexual objects.” Aloni-Sedovnik cites two specific cases which she has knowledge of – one is a case of rape and another is “severe sexual harassment.” The attackers in both cases, she stresses, were familiar with the victims and knew that they were “peace activists.”
The rape occurred several months ago in the village of Umm Salmona, near Bethlehem. The victim, an American activist, wanted to press charges but leftist activists put pressure on her not to do so, so as not to damage the struggle against the 'occupation.'
The second case involved an Israeli activist who took part in the demonstrations at Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem, where the High Court ruled that Jewish families may move into homes that they have owned for generations. This woman filed a complaint with the police but retracted it after “severe and unfair pressure” from the demonstrations' organizers, according to Aloni-Sedovnik. Furthermore, the organizers appealed to demonstrators to dress modestly when they come to the Arab neighborhoods and suggested that they wear head scarves.
"These are not just cases of rape carried out to satisfy lust,” he writes. “Usually, they are carried out systematically in order to make the girl pregnant and then take her as a wife – after she converts to Islam, of course. We know about this system from the stories of women who underwent a similar process within Israel and escaped to Europe. But it is hard to escape from the Palestinian territories. Sometimes these women – some of whom are no longer young – are never allowed to leave their homes unaccompanied, in order to forestall their escape.”»
Prova de que até o maior trafulha pode dizer algo acertado, ocasionalmente, citemos Karl Marx: «A História repete-se a si própria, primeiro como tragédia, depois como farsa». Para não acabarmos com Marx, citemos ainda George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

¹ - palavra de origem árabe.
² - «The Barbary Corsairs, sometimes called Ottoman Corsairs or Barbary Pirates, were Muslim pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Tunis, Tripoli and Algiers. This area was known in Europe as the Barbary Coast, a term derived from the name of its Berber inhabitants. Their predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic seaboard and even South America, and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, Spain, and Portugal, but also France, Britain, the Netherlands, Ireland, and as far away as Iceland. The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Islamic market in North Africa and the Middle East.»

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