
Julgamento de Wilders: 3º dia

Klein Versetz é o sítio a seguir para acompanhar o julgamento de Gert Wilders: é holandês, mas escrito em inglês.

Verificou-se mais um episódio que permite duvidar da imparcialidade de um dos juízes do colectivo: quando se preparavam para assistir a uma projecção do filme Fitna, uma assistente da acusação pediu para se retirar, por não querer ver o filme, ao que o juiz respondeu: «percebo-a perfeitamente».
Apesar do protesto do advogado de Wilders, a sessão prosseguiu.

Após a projecção do filme, o juiz colocou uma série de perguntas a Wilders, não obstante a sua decisão de não responder. Entre outras coisas, perguntaram: «Qual foi o seu propósito ao fazer este filme?», «Não haveria outras formas de atingir esses propósitos?», «Era mesmo necessária a comparação do islão com o nacional-socialismo?» e «No filme diz-se que é feito em defesa das nossa liberdades; o que quer dizer com "nossas"?»

Seguiu-se a leitura dos depoimentos das testemunhas ouvidas em sessões anteriores do processo. O colectivo queria apenas ler um resumo, mas a defesa fez questão de que fossem ouvidos na íntegra os depoimentos das três testemunhas de defesa dentre as cerca de 20 arroladas, mas não ouvidas.
Uma das testemunhas, para além de apoiar as afirmações de Wilders que o levaram ao banco dos réus, manifestou a sua perplexidade por um tribunal holandês estar a deliberar em matéria religiosas, o que contraria a separação em Igreja e Estado que devia caracterizar os estados modernos; e por o tribunal se ter colocado na posição de decidir qual é a verdade em matéria de religião, em matéria de islão.

Leia o texto abaixo e siga os nossos resumos.

Amplify’d from kleinverzet.blogspot.com
Today the trial against Geert Wilders continued with the same judges The trial day started with a screening of Fitna.
Before the screening we already had the first incident, a woman (plaintiff) asked if she could leave the room. She did not want to see Fitna she declared. The president of the court answers:
"I can imagine"
(like: I can understand your feelings)

Wilder lawyer complained, he could not believe what he just had heard (again a value statement of the court).

See incident here:

After the viewing of Fitna the court president again started reading all questions he would have liked to answer Wilders.

Questions like: "What was you’re part in producing this movie", “where and when was it made", "has been screened on Television", "What is you relation to liveleak", "do still agree with the content", "did you had any advice, legal advice?", "What was the purpose of the movie", "was there no other way", "was the Nazi comparison really needed?" and "in the movie is said in defense of our freedom. Who do you mean by 'our'?".

Then the court selected some complaints and read some parts they found interesting. President Moorse proposed to do the same with the (friendly) experts. Earlier the court had blocked defense request to have the expert testimonies in public. The court argued that the literal testimonies are hard to understand and that they had prepared good summaries (they had not shared these summaries with the defense). But defense attorney Moszkowicz persisted in a full read of all selected (friendly) expert testimonies. Earlier this year, defense expert Hans Jansen (Arabist), already complained in the press that his statements were misrepresented (NL) in a summary of the court in a trial against cartoonist Nekshot (NSFW!).

The court allowed the request and is now reading all statements (approx. 6 hours will be needed). The first statements read were statements made by three law experts, one European law expert and two Dutch law experts. The two Dutch law experts: Henny Sackers and Theo de Roos declared they find it unlikely that Wilders will be convicted in a trial court.
Then they started with the reading of the testimony of Hans Jansen (he can be seen in the court room sitting behind Geert Wilders). In their reading of the first Islam expert the court showed some ignorance. The court apparently had never heard of Qutub the founder of modern jihad ideology. The judge could not pronounce the name: Qutb and had to try several times to pronounce it.
As expected the statement made by Hans Jansen was an enlighten reading about the Koran and Islam (no surprises here). Several times he advised the book Reliance of the Traveller, as a standard work on Sharia. The book, is far as I know, the only English language text about sharia that has a formal approval from the Al-Azhar University (Chief school of Islamic and Arabic learning in the world).

Noteworthy was Hans Jansen his final statement in which he stated his surprise about the courts interest in so many religious details. It was against all he had learned about the separations of powers, the separation of church and state.

And of course, as often, he is right. He has said it before, with this trial, they have positioned the court as an arbiter of truth, truth about religion, thruth about Islam, an impossible and unwanted situation.

After a break Judges read the testimony of Arabist Simon Admiraal and Waffa Sultan (This TV appearance made her famous. They were asked many detailed religious questions about Islam and Koran.

The Dutch press reported on the Islamic experts statements that they agreed that that The Netherlands is Islamic mission country. Also, they said that there might be moderated Muslims, there is no such thing as a moderate Islam. Expert Admiraal also agreed on the statement that "the Koran is hateful book" and pointed out some anti-Jewish Koran verses. Also was Islam described a violent religion. Psychiatric expert Wafa Sultan, a Muslim by birth, says she agrees with Wilders his claims on Islam. She thinks the Koran is even worse than Mein Kampf because Mein Kampf is only a political book, but the Koran is not only political it’s also religious.

Other news today: The prosecution announced it will need two court days for the indictment and Wilders his defense lawyers announced he needed one and half court day for the defense of Geert Wilders.

See also:
Wilders Trial - Day 2
Justice minister Hirsch Ballin directing prosecution of Geert Wilders
Wilder Trial - Day 1
Wilders trial: Court rejects 15 out of 18 witnesses for the defence
Breaking: Geert Wilders on trial January 20th 2010Read more at kleinverzet.blogspot.com

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