Ocorre com muita frequência a uma pessoa que aponta os aspectos perturbantes e singulares do islão, que adverte os seus concidadão para os sinais de avanço de um islão dominador no Ocidente e os exorta a tomar posição para deter esse processo, ser acusada de «islamofobia», perturbação definida como um medo irracional do islão.
A minha reacção a acusações deste género, quando me são dirigidas, é dizer que tenho medo do islão, mas que esse medo está longe de ser irracional.
Na mesma linha, o blogue Bare Naked Islam tem como lema a expressão «It isn't islamophobia if they really ARE trying to kill you».
O Sheikyermami, do blogue Winds of Jihad, informa que a definição de Robert Spencer para «islamofobia» é a condição de um «non-Muslim who knows too much about Islam.»
E o leitor? Será islamófobo?
Faça o teste, disponibilizado por Phyllis Chesler, do Pajamas Media.
A minha reacção a acusações deste género, quando me são dirigidas, é dizer que tenho medo do islão, mas que esse medo está longe de ser irracional.
Na mesma linha, o blogue Bare Naked Islam tem como lema a expressão «It isn't islamophobia if they really ARE trying to kill you».
O Sheikyermami, do blogue Winds of Jihad, informa que a definição de Robert Spencer para «islamofobia» é a condição de um «non-Muslim who knows too much about Islam.»
E o leitor? Será islamófobo?
Faça o teste, disponibilizado por Phyllis Chesler, do Pajamas Media.
Amplify’d from pajamasmedia.com
Are You An Islamophobe?
Are you an Islamophobe? Here is a simple test.
Lorna Saltzman’s Test
Do you favor equal rights and treatment of women and men?
Do you oppose stoning of women accused of adultery?
Do you favor mandatory education of girls everywhere?
Do you oppose slavery and child prostitution?
Do you support complete freedom of expression and the press?
Do you support the right of an individual to worship in her chosen religion?
Do you oppose government- and mosque-supported anti-Semitic publications, radio, TV and textbooks?
Do you oppose the wearing of burqas in public places, schools and courts?
Do you oppose segregation of the sexes in public places and houses of worship?
Do you oppose the death penalty for non-Muslims and Muslims who convert to another religion?
Do you oppose “honor” killings?
Do you oppose female genital mutilation?
Do you oppose forced sexual relations?
Do you oppose discrimination against homosexuals?
Do you support the right to criticize religion?
Do you oppose polygamy?
Do you oppose child marriage, forced or otherwise?
Do you oppose the quranic mandate to kill non-Muslims and apostates?
Do you oppose the addition of sharia courts to your country’s legal system?
Do you disagree with the quran which asserts the superiority of Islam to all other religions?
If you answered most or all of these affirmatively, you are a vile Islamophobe and deserve to be beheaded as the quran instructs.
If you answered one third or more of them affirmatively, you are a borderline Islamophobe and need to receive brainwashing to become a full-fledged dhimmi.
If you answered a quarter or fewer affirmatively, you need a few private lessons in dhimmitude to scrub yourself clean of those remnants of Islamophobia.
If you answered affirmatively to NONE of these, Congratulations! You are a worthy observant (radical–PC addition) Muslim and have a bright future vilifying Jews, torturing women or, inshallah, becoming a suicide bomber.”
Read more at pajamasmedia.com
See this Amp at http://amplify.com/u/blws
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