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O que esperar de um estado islâmico?

Ou Xariá e as leis (2)

Tenho para mim que para conhecer o islão não há como vê-lo pelos olhos dos próprios muçulmanos.
A entrevista infra é para ser lida na íntegra e divulgada. Serve para desfazer muitos mitos de pacifismo e tolerância, de arte e cultura.

Via Jihad Watch (
Senior Official in Egyptian Islamic Jihad: If We Come to Power, We will Launch a Campaign of Islamic Conquests to Instate Shari'a Worldwide: 'The Christian is Free to Worship His God in His Church, but if the Christians Make Problems for the Muslims, I Will Exterminate Them'
Following are excerpts of the interview:

Sheikh 'Adel Shehato
The Term "Democracy" is Not in the Arab or Islamic Lexicon; Once Allah's Law Reigns Supreme, the People's Role will End
Q: "Do you support the uprising?"
Shehato: "...The [Egyptian] youth rose up for a certain ideal...  They did not rise up in order to put the shari'a into practice, nor did they [complain] that Mubarak's regime did not rule in accordance with the shari'a... As Muslims, we must believe that the Koran is our constitution, and that it is [therefore] impossible for us to institute a Western democratic regime. I oppose democracy because it is not the faith of the Muslims, but the faith of the Jews and Christians. Simply put, democracy means the rule of the people itself over itself... According to Islam, it is forbidden for people to rule and to legislate laws, as Allah alone is ruler. Allah did not hand down the term [democracy] as a form of rule, and it is completely absent from the Arab and Islamic lexicon..."
Q: "If you do not believe in the rule of the people, why did you go out to Al-Tahrir Square with the slogan 'he People Wants to Implement the Shari'a?' Are you exploiting democracy in order to achieve what you want [only] to then abolish [democracy]?"
Shehato: "I am not exploiting democracy, since I have never joined and will never join politics or party activity... We believe that implementation of the shari'a [must be accomplished] far from the political game, though some [other] Islamic streams are willing to participate [in this game] in order to achieve the same goal [i.e., implementation of the shari'a]. We said that 'the people wants to implement the shari'a' because most of the people are Muslims, and also based on [our] reading of the situation on the ground. [At the same time,] we did not make demands for the people's sake in the people's name, but demanded the rule of Allah. And once Allah's law is instated, the role of the people will end and Allah will reign supreme."
Q: "How do you reconcile your opposition to the will of the people with the notion of shura [consultation] in Islam?"
Shehato: "'Shura' in Islam means that alongside the Muslim ruler, there is a steering council comprising the finest of the senior Muslim clerics, to be selected on the basis of their piety and political leadership [abilities]. But there is no consultation with commoners, such as workers and fallahin, nor is there consultation over issues that contravene the shari'a."
"The Christian is Free to Worship His God in His Church, but if the Christians Make Problems for the Muslims, I Will Exterminate Them"
Q: "What solution is the EIJ suggesting [today], after the revolution?"
Shehato: "...We still espouse the old jihadi ideology that is today the ideology of Sheikh Ayman Al-Zawahiri, the late Sheikh Osama bin Laden, and Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi... If the revolution was meant to overthrow the tyrant Mubarak, then we have always said that all the Arab rulers, without exception, are infidels who must be killed because they do not rule according to the shari'a. They are apostate infidels, as opposed to infidels like the Jews and Christians, and anyone who doubts that they are infidels is an infidel [himself]."
Q: "But we Egyptians have never regarded the Christians as infidels. [In fact,] many of us have Christian friends even closer than our Muslim friends."
Shehato: "As a Muslim, I must support the Muslim and oppose the Christian. If there is a Christian who does me no harm, I will maintain limited contact with him. Islam [discusses] certain degrees of contact with the Christian, namely: keeping promises [that were made him], dealing honestly with him, treating him kindly, and befriending him. The first three are allowed, but the fourth [i.e., befriending the Christian] is deemed dangerous, for it contravenes the verse that says, 'O you who believe! Do not take my enemy and your enemy for friends: would you offer them love while they deny what has come to you of the truth' [Koran 60:1]. It is inconceivable that they should serve in judiciary or executive posts, for instance in the army or the police."
Q: "Are you against blowing up churches?"
Shehato: "Yes and no. The Christian is free to worship his god in his church, but if the Christians make problems for the Muslims, I will exterminate them. I am guided by the shari'a, and it stipulates that they must pay the jizya tax while in a state of humiliation..."
Q: "These positions of yours frighten us, as Egyptians."
Shehato: "I will not act [in ways] that contradict my faith just in order to please the people... We say to the Christians, convert to Islam or pay the jizya, otherwise we will fight you. The shari'a is not based on [human] logic but on divine law. That is why we oppose universal, manmade constitutions."
If the Muslims Rise to Power in Egypt, They Will Form Muslim Battalions to Enforce the Shari'a Worldwide
Q: "If you rise to power in Egypt, will you launch a campaign of Islamic conquest?"
Shehato: "Of course we will launch a campaign of Islamic conquest, throughout the world. As soon as the Muslims and Islam control Egypt and implement the shari'a [there], we will turn to the neighboring regions, [such as] Libya [to the west] and Sudan to the south. All the Muslims in the world who wish to see the shari'a implemented worldwide will join the Egyptian army in order to form Islamic battalions, whose task will be to bring about the victory of [our] faith. We hope that, with Allah's help, Egypt will be the spark [that sets off this process]..."
Q: "You said that you endorse the ideology of Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri. Does this mean that your way of implementing shari'a in Egypt will be through violence and war, like their [way]?"
Shehato: "No, we will implement the shari'a through da'wa [preaching], while violence will be directed only at the infidel Arab rulers. In their case, there is no choice but to use force, though the shari'a does not call it 'violence' but 'jihad for the sake of Allah.' There is no other way... because they have power and weapons..."
Q: "How will the foreign ministry [operate] in an Islamic state?"
Shehato: "There are Muslims and there are infidels. We will have ambassadors in every country. We want to call all other countries to join Islam, and that will be the task of the ambassadors. If [the countries] refuse, there will be war. We will not tolerate mutual trade and cultural ties with non-Muslims."
"In the [Islamic] State, There will Be Only Islamic Culture"
Q: "If you rise to power, what will be your approach to tourism?"
Shehato: "There will be tourism for purposes of [medical] treatment, but the tourism sites of the pyramids, the Sphinx, and Sharm Al-Sheikh will be shut down, because my task [as a ruler] is to get people to serve Allah rather than [other] people [i.e., tourists]. No proud Muslim will ever be willing to live off tourism profits, because the tourists come [to Egypt] to drink alcohol and fornicate. [If they] want to come, they must comply with the conditions and laws of Islam. We will explain to them that, according to the shari'a, the pyramids are [the remains of] a pagan and polytheistic age."
Q: "What will be the state of art and literature in such a state?"
Shehato: "In Islam, there is no such thing as art. Painting, singing, and dancing are forbidden. Therefore, in the [Islamic] state there will be nothing but Islamic culture, for I cannot teach [people] the infidel culture. As for literature, such as [the works] of Naguib Mahfouz, it is forbidden. Naguib Mahfouz was a criminal who stimulated [people's] desires and struck a severe blow to modesty. We will return to the decent culture of the Muslims and the Muslim forefathers, and to Islamic history."
[1] Roz Al-Yousef (Egypt), August 13, 2011.


Dinamarca: cada vez mais muçulmanos se convertem ao cristianismo

Às notícias de conversões de ocidentais ao islão é dado grande relevo e diz-se ser um fenómeno estatisticamente relevante. Mas ao fenómeno inverso pouca atenção é prestada.
Leia-se a peça infra e note-se que os investigadores e os ex-muçulmanos entrevistados concordam: o contacto com uma sociedade aberta e com uma religião fundamentalmente diferente do islão - contacto só possível se os imigrantes não viverem em guetos - leva os muçulmanos a descobrir uma outra maneira de se relacionar com Deus, pela qual muitos acabam por optar.

… but of course risk death for doing so, as the Religion of Peace™ does not like apostates. At all.
43-year-old Safiya has taken a controversial decision; in baptism she has taken the final step in putting her Muslim past behind her.
An Iranian, Safiya has joined the ranks of the 100-150 other Muslims in Denmark who will convert to Christianity this year.
Increasing numbers
Priests, ecclesiastical organisations and experts all agree that the number of those who convert from Islam to Christianity has steadily increased in recent years.

“I would say that there are 100-150 Muslims in Denmark who convert each year,” says Intercultural Studies Expert Mogens Mogensen Ph. D.

Mogensen has carried out the most extensive survey ever of conversions from Islam to Christianity in Denmark. The survey concludes that almost 1,000 Muslims converted between 1980 and 2007.

“But in recent years the phenomenon has increased. Probably as a result of the fact that through education and work, Muslims have had much closer contact with Christians in Denmark and their values. We see a clear correlation between integration and the number of conversions,” Mogensen says.
Increased interest
The Ecclesiastical Integration Service (KIT), an umbrella organisation for 230 migrant congregations in Denmark, agrees that there is a considerable increase in the number of conversions.

“My clear feeling is that this has speeded up over the past two years. We get a lot more approaches from Muslims who want to learn more about Christianity,” says KIT Leader Henrik Lund.

One of the congregations that preaches Christianity for former Muslims is the Greater Love congregation at Vigerslev Church in Copenhagen.

“Over the past two years we have had an increasing number of Muslims who come to be embraced by Christianity than all of the previous years put together. They experience religious freedom in Denmark and for the first time many can choose the religion they want,” says Priest Nabil Astafanos.
At home
Back at the Church of Love the 150 of the congregation close their eyes, spread their arms and sway from side to side.

Apart from a few Danes, the congregation is primarily of Afghan and Iranian extraction, with services held alternatively in Danish and Farsi.

Safiya says that she feels ‘at home’ in Christianity.

“More and more people do. I actually came to the church for some years, but it took time to gather courage to take the step to be baptised,” she says.

The founder of the church says he is overwhelmed that more and more Muslims seek out his church.

“Last year we had large baptisms almost every month. I can’t say exactly how many have come over the past couple of years, but it is many,” says Massoud Fouroozandeh, himself a convert.
Tendency will continue
Islamic Researcher Jørgen Bech Simonsen of the Copenhagen University Institute for Cross-cultural and Regional Studies, says the tendency will continue.

“The Muslims who take up residency in Denmark are challenged by another religious understanding and thus ask themselves questions about religion. The world is becoming much more globalised and will result in more people challenging what they come from,” says Simonsen.
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper. Qur’an 4:89

“When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.” Reliance of the Traveller (classic manual of Islamic law), 08:1
The name Safiya is an alias. Politiken has her full identity.
Of course her name is an alias. It has to be. The passage from the Qur’an above is not some anachronistic whimsy. Muslims actively pursue ex-Muslims and often attempt to kill them.

Yet the more Muslims are exposed to a civilised, democratic society (as opposed to living out separate lives in self-segregating immigrant communities) – and given the security to remove the oppressive yoke of a faith, which unlike any other removes the option to leave it under the pain of death – the more they indeed leave.

For just what kind of a ‘faith’ can it be, which forces you to remain within its strictures under pain of death?

Little wonder that we find Danish Muslims increasingly converting (and those lucky enough to be afforded a safe opportunity to do so elsewhere, too).

Espanha: muçulmanos de Lérida não querem cães em espaços públicos

Esta não é uma pretensão isolada e espontânea: tem fundamentos na teologia islâmica e casos semelhantes têm ocorrido em diversos países ocidentais. É uma das frentes de aplicação da xariá no Ocidente.
Veja a este respeito as seguintes entradas:
Consideran que el Consistorio leridano debe regular la presencia de perros en la vía pública y en determinadas instalaciones municipales para “no ofender a los musulmanes”.
Asociaciones islámicas en Lérida han pedido al Ayuntamiento de la ciudad que promulgue una normativa municipal para prohibir la presencia de perros tanto en los autobuses urbanos como en algunas zonas frecuentadas mayoritariamente por musulmanes, al ser considerados “animales impuros” por el islam.
Van más allá incluso al considerar que la presencia junto a ellos de “animales impuros” vulnera la libertad religiosa y el derecho de los islámicos a vivir conforme a las prédicas coránicas.


Adolescente morta pelo pai por se recusar casar com primo de 52 anos

Ou «amor paternal à maneira do islão». Se não, leia o que diz a pesarosa mãe da morta:
«"My daughter was a disgrace to the family. We can't tolerate our children disrespecting their elders' wishes so we killed her, why would I want my husband to be punished? He did the right thing."»
Amplify’d from
"14-year-old killed for refusing to marry father's cousin," by Shahid Mirza for the Express Tribune, February 4 (thanks to Ron):
VEHARI: A 14-year-old girl was killed in Vehari on Wednesday night allegedly by his family for refusing to marry a man they proposed.
Rafia's father Mukhtar Hussain and an uncle were arrested by Luddan police on Thursday. The police said Hussain and his brothers - former nazim Muhammad Ramzaan and Farasat Hussain - killed the girl by giving her electric shocks.
SHO Mirza Asif Baig said that Mukhtar Hussain had admitted to killing his daughter. He said Hussain wanted to marry the girl to his 52-year-old cousin, Saeed Ahmed. Hussain told the police his cousin was married but had no son. He said they had registered a case against Hussain and his brother.
The victim's mother, nominally the complainant, told The Express Tribune that she did not want her husband to be jailed. "My daughter was a disgrace to the family. We can't tolerate our children disrespecting their elders' wishes so we killed her," Mukhtar Mai said, "why would I want my husband to be punished? He did the right thing."
She said that earlier she had wanted to marry Rafia in her family. She added that she withdrew her decision once her husband and his brothers decided to marry her to Ahmed.
Ali Muhammad, the girl's grand father, also endorsed his son's actions. He said Rafia had previously tried to elope with a neighbour....


Somália: cristã decapitada publicamente por mujahidin, deixa quatro órfãos

Decapitada por guerreiros islâmicos por ser cristã, note-se.
Amplify’d from
A mother of four was killed for her Christian faith on Jan. 7 on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia by Islamic extremists from al Shabaab militia, a relative said.

The relative, who requested anonymity, said Asha Mberwa, 36, was killed at 5:15pm in Warbhigly village; the Islamic extremists from the insurgent group had arrested her outside her house the previous day at 8:30 a.m. She died when the militants cut her throat in front of villagers who came out of their homes as witnesses.

She is survived by her children – ages 12, 8, 6 and 4 – and her husband, who was not home at the time she was apprehended. They had married in 1993.

Her relative, whose location is also withheld for security reasons, said he had phoned her on Jan. 5 to try to make arrangements for moving her family out of the area. Al Shabaab extremists, who control large parts of Mogadishu, were able to monitor the conversation and confirm that she had become a Christian, he said.

He told Compass by phone that Mberwa feared that she and her family members' lives were threatened. "Asha had been receiving threatening messages" after al Shabaab monitored her previous communications with him, he said.

Her husband, Abdinazir Mohammed Hassan, fled to an unknown location. Mberwa's relative said a "good Samaritan" in Mogadishu was caring for her four children. The traumatized children continue to weep and cry out for their mother, he said.

Al Shabaab insurgents control much of southern and central Somalia and have embarked on a campaign to rid the country of its hidden Christian population. With estimates of al Shabaab's size ranging from 3,000 to 7,000, the insurgents seek to impose a strict version of sharia (Islamic law).

Veja também A decapitação no islão e A primeira decapitação de um taliban de 12 anos de idade.


«A jihad pelo estupro»

A propósito de notícias recentes que dão conta de abusos e exploração sexual de menores britânicas não-muçulmanas perpetrados por muçulmanos, um apontamento de Robert Spencer sobre o estupro e a escravidão sexual no islão.
Amplify’d from
The Rape Jihad | Friday, September 24, 2004
“Each of us was raped by between three and six men….One woman refused to have sex with them, so they split her head into pieces with an axe in front of us.”
This happened in Darfur, from which Sudanese military personnel actually airlifted women to Khartoum to serve as sex slaves.
Meanwhile, Indira Dzetskelova, the mother of one of the child hostages in Beslan, Russia, reports that “several 15-year-old girls were raped by terrorists.” Her daughter “heard their terrible cries and screams when those monsters took them away.”

This indicates that there are two things the massacre in Beslan have in common with the ongoing massacres in Darfur: both, no less than the 9/11 attacks, are examples of Islamic jihad terrorism, and both are characterized by rape.
What does rape, then, have to do with these religious conflicts? Unfortunately, everything. The Islamic legal manual ‘Umdat al-Salik, which carries the endorsement of Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, stipulates: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman’s previous marriage is immediately annulled.” Why? So that they are free to become the concubines of their captors. The Qur’an permits Muslim men to have intercourse with their wives and their slave girls: “Forbidden to you are ... married women, except those whom you own as slaves” (Sura 4:23-24).
After one successful battle, Muhammad tells his men, “Go and take any slave girl.” He took one for himself also. After the notorious massacre of the Jewish Qurayzah tribe, he did it again. According to his earliest biographer, Ibn Ishaq, Muhammad “went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for [the men of Banu Qurayza] and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches.” After killing “600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900,” the Prophet of Islam took one of the widows he had just made, Rayhana bint Amr, as another concubine.
With Muhammad revered throughout the Islamic world as al-insan al-kamil, the perfect man, the rapes of Darfur and Beslan are nothing surprising. What is surprising, or ought to be, is the silence from the Islamic world about the rapes in both cases. Where are the reformers who will dare to say that Muhammad’s example must not be followed in this case? Who will acknowledge that the world has developed principles of human rights that must supercede those forged in seventh-century Arabia? Where are the Western spokesmen who are not so in thrall to multiculturalism that they will condemn rape that is justified according to Islamic religious principles? The much-lionized “Muslim Martin Luther,” Tariq Ramadan, now banned from entering the U.S., can so far only bring himself to call for a moratorium, not a definitive ban, on stoning for adulterers. Rape of captives? His sentiments are not known. Where is the Muslim Solzhenitsyn, who will speak honestly about the aspects of Islam that so desperately need reform, and call for the overhaul that the system so obviously needs?
The whole world is waiting. But for the girls and women of Darfur and Beslan, it is already too late.


Reino Unido: muçulmano apela à sedição

Já o tenho dito: estes muçulmanos, embora mais agressivos, ajudam-nos a compreender melhor e a mostrar mais facilmente aos nossos amigos o islão.
Piores são os dissimuladores, os mestres da taqiyya.

Uma vez mais, peço aos leitores que façam cópias deste tipo de videos, os quais tendem a ser removidos da rede ao fim de alguns dias.

Via Vlad Tepes Blog.


Canadá: Al-Qaeda aponta árabes cristãos como alvos a abater

Este é daqueles factos que se devem sublinhar quando acusam os militantes anti-sharia de racismo: não se trata de uma questão racial - como se pode ver pelo modo com que os árabes-muçulmanos tratam os árabes-não-muçulmanos.

Amplify’d from

Al-Qaida-affiliated Website Targets Arab Christians In Canada

Al Qaeda-affiliated Website Targets Arab Christians in Canada

ICC Note

The Islamists target Christians accusing them of converting Muslims to Christianity and opposing the Sharia law. The Muslim radicals have listed the names and the contact address of the Christians on their website.

12/21/2010 Canada (The Toronto Star)-More than 100 Canadian-Arab Christians are listed on an Al Qaeda affiliated website, apparently targeted because of their alleged role in attempting to convert Muslims.

Some of those named say concerned Canadian intelligence officials have contacted them.

The Shumukh-al-Islam website, often considered to be Al Qaeda’s mouthpiece, listed pictures, addresses and cellphone numbers of Coptic Christians, predominantly Egyptian-Canadians, who have been vocal about their opposition to Islam.

In a forum on the website, one member named Son of a Sharp Sword, says “We are going to return back to Islam and all of the Mujahedeen (holy warriors) will cut off their heads.”

Three pages of the fundamentalist, Arabic-language website titled “Complete information on Coptics” sets to “identify and name all of the Coptics throughout the world who hope to defame Islam,” The website calls the Coptic Christians living abroad “dogs in diaspora,” a derogatory reference in Arabic.

Among those named on the Shumukh-al-Islam website is Samuel Tawadrous, a Coptic Egyptian living in Quebec.

“This is a direct threat against our lives,” Tawadrous said in an interview.

“They are trying to inform each other in hopes that someone can carry out this threat. They could be in Egypt and they could be here. Our names and our pictures are listed.”

One of the prominent figures listed on the website is Salim Naguib, who helped establish a Coptic organization in Canada. Naguib is described on the website as opposing Islamic Shariah and converting Muslims to Christianity. His picture, career background and cellphone number are listed on the website.

But he said in an interview he won’t be frightened.

Sherif Mansour said he found out he was named on the website when intelligence officials called him.

“They asked me, ‘are you afraid?’ I said ‘Should I be?’” said Mansour, who has run a business in Quebec for the past 22 years since emigrating from Egypt.

Mansour laughed at the threat, but said he recognizes the seriousness of the matter.

“These issues can’t be taken lightly anymore…If they (Muslim fanatics) had the guts to fly a couple of planes into buildings and killing thousands of people, what would be the big deal with just one person? Nothing. Am I afraid of it? No, not really,” said Mansour who is an active member of the Coptic church in Canada.

Mansour believes he is being targeted because of comments he made in an interview on CTV news where he was discussing the media’s coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian war.

Mansour said the fact that his picture, cellphone number and comments are displayed on the Shumukh-al-Islam website is an indication that fanatics are keeping a close eye on what happens in Canada.

Shumukh-al-Islam lists more than 200 Arab Christians in Egypt, Europe and North America. More than 100 of them are listed as being in Canada.

For an organization that once opposed computers and technology, Al Qaeda has now converted to embracing the Internet wholeheartedly, Juneau-Katsuya said.

“The vast majority of people in the world don’t go to these websites but the extremists do,” Juneau-Katsuya said.

The problem is, he said, if threats turn to action.

“Potentially…they take matters into their own hands.”



Espanha: súmula do avanço do islão e da sharia

Amplify’d from
The Spanish ham controversy follows several other recent imbroglios involving Spain's Muslim community, which now numbers around 1.5 million (compared to only 100,000 in 1990), and exposes the growing uncertainty in Spain over how to deal with Muslim mass immigration.
In September 2010, for example, a discotheque in southern Spain was forced to change its name and architectural design after Islamists threatened to initiate "a great war between Spain and the people of Islam" if it did not. La Meca was a popular discotheque in the southern Spanish resort town of Águilas (Murcia) in the 1980s and 1990s. After being closed for more than a decade, the club reopened in August 2010 under new management, but using the original name, La Meca. The mega-nightclub, which has been visited by more than 100,000 patrons since its reopening, features a large turquoise-colored mosque-style dome, a minaret-like tower, as well as traditional Arabic architecture common in southern Spain.
But soon after its reopening, Muslims began to complain that the nightclub is offensive and insulting to their religion; a group of Muslim radicals posted a video on the Internet calling for a boycott of Spanish goods and jihad against those who "blaspheme the name of Allah." Spain's intelligence agency, the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI), warned La Meca's owners that the discotheque was being directly targeted by Islamic extremists.
In mid-September, the nightclub owners held a hastily-arranged press conference during which they – under the watchful supervision of local Muslim leaders – announced that the venue's name would be changed to La Isla (the island) "to avoid further problems and to ensure that patrons keep coming." They also confirmed plans to modify controversial features of the club's architecture, namely a minaret-like tower that will be converted into a lighthouse-like tower.
Other Islam-related controversies abound in Spain. In December 2010, for example, Spanish police raided an apartment in the northern city of Logroño to free a 25-year-old Pakistani woman who was forced to marry her cousin and was then held captive by her family and sexually assaulted for more than a month. She was freed after two passersby found a note the woman had dropped from the window of an eighth floor apartment where she was being held. Police arrested ten Pakistanis, including the woman's husband as well as her parents, on charges of kidnapping and sexual assault.
In an interview with the Madrid-based newspaper, El País, Huma Jamshed, President of the Association of Pakistani Women in Spain, says there are many such cases in Spain, although most of them do not end up with arrests. "It is difficult to understand. You have to know Pakistani culture, which is completely different from Spanish culture. This is a matter of interests. The families marry off their children to relatives in Pakistan to get the [immigration] papers here, and this is a guarantee of a future for them. Marriages between cousins are normal in Pakistan and women do not feel obliged. The problems begin when they come to Spain and are educated; they begin to work and know their rights, because then it becomes an abuse and they feel forced."
Meanwhile, the Catalan town of Lleida, where 29,000 Muslims make up more than 20 percent of the town's population, became the first municipality in Spain to ban the burqa head covering in all public spaces. Women found violating the ban, which entered into effect on December 9, will be fined up to €600 ($750). One day earlier, the Catalonian Supreme Court turned down an appeal from Watani, a local Muslim association, which had argued that the ban constitutes religious discrimination.
Also in December, an imam in Tarragona, a city in northeastern Spain, was sentenced to one year in prison for forcing a 31-year-old Moroccan woman to wear a hijab head covering. The local prosecutor had asked the judge to jail the imam and three others for five years for harassment" after the imam had threatened to burn down the woman's house for being an "infidel," but the Socialist mayor tried to get the case dismissed to prevent "a social conflict."
In November 2010, the Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla, two enclaves in northern Africa, officially recognized the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice, as a public holiday. By doing so, Ceuta and Melilla became the first Spanish municipalities officially to mark an Islamic holiday since Spain was liberated from Muslim captivity in 1492.
More than 10,000 lambs were slaughtered in conformity with Sharia rituals during the one-day festival on November 17. According to local media reports, many of the animals were imported illegally from Morocco because Muslim immigrants prefer to sacrifice lambs with long tails, lacking on lambs grown on the Iberian Peninsula.
Meanwhile, jihadists are now calling for a "crusade" to recover Ceuta and Melilla for Islam. They say they were provoked by an August 2010 border crisis between Spain and Morocco and that involves the two cities.
In October 2010, the Islamic Association of Málaga, in southern Spain, demanded that Television Española (TVE), the state-owned national public television broadcaster, stop showing a Spanish-language television series called El Clon. In an angry letter addressed to TVE Director General Santiago González, the authors express their "most energetic revulsion" against a show they describe as "not only anti-Muslim, but also attacking the basic principles of coexistence and integration guaranteed by all democratic societies." The authors accuse TVE of violating the Spanish Constitution for airing a program that criticizes certain aspects of Islam, such as forced marriages and the lack of women's rights in Muslim countries.
In September 2010, radical Muslims threatened to attack the Barcelona metro system on the day the city celebrates its annual September 24 holiday, Festes de la Mercè., which had its origins in a medieval Roman Catholic religious order established to liberate Christians from Muslim captivity at a time when the Iberian Peninsula was under Islamic occupation (711-1492).
In April 2010, a 16-year-old schoolgirl was banned from a school in Madrid after refusing to remove her hijab, a face covering, in violation of the school dress code.
In December 2009, nine Salafists in Catalonia kidnapped a woman, tried her for adultery based on Sharia law, and condemned her to death. The woman escaped and fled to a local police station just before she was to be executed by the Islamists.
In November 2009, a Muslim lawyer was ejected from Spain's high court in Madrid, where she was defending a client, because the lawyer refused to remove her headscarf.
In April 2009, Spain marked the 400th anniversary of King Philip III's expulsion of the Moriscos -- the descendants of the Muslim population who converted to Christianity under threat of exile in 1502 -- from Spain in 1609. The Spanish Socialist Party called on Spain to apologize to the Muslim world for the expulsion, which Muslims claim was the world's first genocide. Muslim leaders say Spain could right the wrong by offering Spanish citizenship to the Muslim descendants of the Moriscos, as an "apology and acknowledgement of mistakes" made during the Spanish Inquisition.
In February 2009, the Islamic Commission of Spain, the group that represents Spain's Muslims, complained to the Spanish government that there are only 11 cemeteries for the 1.5 million Muslims in Spain. The group says the lack of burial plots in Spain for Muslims makes it impossible for them to bury their dead according to Sharia law. Muslim leaders also called on the Spanish government to provide mosques for Muslim worshippers.
In October 2007, Amr Moussa, the Egyptian Secretary-General of the Arab League, asked the Spanish government to allow Muslims to worship in the cathedral of Córdoba, which had been a mosque during the medieval Islamic kingdom of Al-Andalus. Muslims now hope to recreate the ancient city of Córdoba, once the heart of Al-Andalus, as a pilgrimage site for Muslims throughout Europe. Funds for the project to turn "Córdoba into the Mecca of the West" are being sought from the governments of the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, and Muslim organizations in Morocco and Egypt.
In Granada, a city in southern Spain that was the last Muslim stronghold of Al-Andalus to capitulate to the Roman Catholic kings in 1492, there are now parallel societies; some Muslims want traditional Sharia law to be applied there instead of Spanish law. They are also demanding Muslim education and special Muslim schools for their children. They also want an equal share in the money made with ticket sales for the fabled Alhambra palace, which they regard as part of the cultural heritage of their Muslim ancestors.


A primeira decapitação de um taliban de 12 anos de idade

Os nossos amigos do Vera Dextra explicam a razão para publicar imagens tão desagradáveis:
Já nos perguntaram para que nós divulgamos este tipo de coisa. É muito simples. Por que alguém tem que fazer isto. Se todos os ocidentais e latino-americanos pudessem ver este tipo de material, a percepção que eles têm do Islam, "a religião da paz", mudaria muitíssimo. A expressão higienizada e politicamente correta "fundamentalismo islâmico" não diz a que veio. Há um fundamentalismo protestante, também. E daí? Você aí, tem medo dos evangélicos? Pois bem.

Quando nos referimos ao fanatismo islâmico, É DISTO AQUI QUE ESTAMOS FALANDO:


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Bare Naked Islam: 13 de agosto de 2009
Original: 12-YEAR OLD TALIBAN BOY’S FIRST BEHEADING (WARNING: Extremely graphic images)
Tradução: DEXTRA

A iniciação no Taliban começa cedo. Neste caso aqui, um garoto de 12 anos está sendo educado na arte de decapitar. Ele leva um certo tempo para terminar de serrar fora a cabeça, mas note o orgulho em seu rosto quando ele finalmente ergue a cabeça cortada. Que grande futuro ele tem!

Este vídeo aqui é mais brutal do que a maioria, principalmente por causa da pouca idade do decapitador. POR FAVOR, NÃO ASSISTA ESTE VÍDEO SE VOCÊ TIVER UM ESTÔMAGO FRACO.

Espanha: professor acusado de crime de ódio e xenófobo por falar de presunto na aula

O desenrolar e o desenlace deste tipo de acções - que os activistas anti-sharia chamam jihad legal - é fulcral para determinar de que modo se há-de tentar deter o avanço da islamização. Se o processo for arquivado, remete-se uma mensagem aos muçulmanos: «aqui na nossa terra, as nossas leis; se não estais satisfeitos, ide-vos». Se o processo for para diante, acabar em julgamento e o réu for absolvido, isso já constitui uma vitória para os muçulmanos: o desgaste e a despesa que o processo acarreta, é, em si mesmo, uma vitória, que, no futuro, terá como consequência que os não-muçulmanos se inibam de praticar acções que ofendam os muçulmanos. Se o réu for considerado culpado, é uma vitória estrondosa, mas que pode ter, a médio prazo, consequências trágicas ao nível da confiança dos ocidentais no sistema de justiça e na estrutura do Estado em geral; e pode levar ao surgimento de milícias populares contra os muçulmanos, donde resultariam acções violentas e cegas, que afectariam igualmente os jihadistas e os muçulmanos pacíficos e ordeiros, que já se dão por satisfeitos por poderem praticar a sua religião em paz, coisa que, e.g., os xiitas não podem fazer na Arábia Saudita ou os Ahmadi não podem fazer no Paquistão.
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El profesor de La Línea indicó que el clima frío de Trevélez favorecía su curación y un alumno que practica esta religión se sintió ofendido · La Policía Judicial le toma declaración y recaba información del menor
Un profesor del instituto Menéndez Tolosa ha sido denunciado por una familia musulmana de La Línea pues su hijo, alumno de primer curso de Secundaria, considera que se le ofendió durante el transcurso de una clase de geografía, según informaron a este periódico fuentes del instituto.
Este medio pudo saber que el docente se encontraba dando clase con normalidad sobre los distintos climas del planeta y usó a la localidad granadina de Trevélez como ejemplo de clima frío y seco. A modo de anécdota, el profesor contó que precisamente ese clima favorecía la curación de los jamones. Entonces el alumno pidió al docente que no hablara de jamones puesto que le ofendía la cuestión al ser musulmán.
Según pudo saber este diario de fuentes del centro, el profesor le contestó que simplemente se trataba de un ejemplo y que él no tenía en cuenta en sus clases la religión que practican sus alumnos.
Esto podría haberse quedado simplemente en un intercambio de pareceres pero la familia del menor, que en ningún momento acudió a hablar con el profesor sobre este incidente en clase, no ha dudado en interponer una denuncia contra el docente en la comisaría del Cuerpo Nacional de Policía.
Aunque nadie se puso en contacto con él, al parecer un familiar del menor sí que acudió al centro educativo para hablar con la Jefatura de Estudios y protestar por el ejemplo que el profesor había puesto en clase de geografía. Agentes de la Policía Judicial acudieron ayer al Menéndez Tolosa para que el profesor prestase declaración sobre los hechos ocurridos durante la clase. Además, los funcionarios han solicitado la documentación disciplinaria y académica del menor en este instituto y en el centro anterior en el que estaba escolarizado. Este medio ha podido saber que el docente está acusado de ser autor de un supuesto delito de maltrato de obra, alegando además motivaciones racistas y xenófobas.
La Delegación Provincial de Educación confirmó también ayer a este periódico que, efectivamente, sabía que se habían producido estos hechos y que un profesor había sido denunciado al Cuerpo Nacional de Policía pero declinó hacer declaraciones al respecto.
Profesores y alumnos del centro están indignados por esta situación porque además es un profesor de trayectoria reconocida que lleva más de dos décadas dedicándose a la docencia, por lo que ha impartido clase a miles de jóvenes y nunca ha tenido un problema de estas características. Por este motivo se encuentra muy afectado. A pesar de estar atravesando un momento difícil, el docente continúa acudiendo al instituto y cumpliendo con su obligación para con sus alumnos. El Cuerpo Nacional de Policía mantiene abierta la investigación de estos hechos denunciados por la familia del menor y habrá que esperar a la resolución que dictamine la autoridad judicial en el juicio de faltas cuando se celebre.


Quatro piedosos presos muçulmanos expancam guarda-prisional após as orações

Depois de prestarem culto ao seu deus maligno, nada melhor que espancar o guarda-prisional para concluir o seu rito para-satânico, a gritos de «Allahu Akbar» e «Morte ao kuffar (incréu)», no zeloso cumprimento das disposições alcorânicas e ahadíticas.
Alcorão 9:123:«Ó fiéis, combatei os vossos vizinhos incrédulos para que sintam severidade em vós; e sabei que Deus está com os tementes.»
Hadith sahih Muslim (1:33): «O Mensageiro de Alá disse: "Foi-me ordenado lutar até que todos testemunhem que não há deus senão Alá e que Mafoma é o seu mensageiro».
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Four young British Muslim extremists chanted religious slogans as they battered a prison officer. The gang chanted "death to the Kuffar" (non-believer) and "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) as they laid into the warder - who is in his 40s - after prayers.
It is believed they were trying to steal his keys to let other inmates out and start a riot at the notorious Feltham Young Offenders' Institute in Middlex.
A fellow officer came to his rescue as he hid under a pool table and used his baton to drive them back.
A source said: "It was a frightening and violent assault. The guard was lucky to escape with his life."


Dinamarca: deputado condenado a multa por menção a crimes ditos de honra e a abusos sexuais

É claro que a menção diz respeito ao que se passa numa percentagem significativamente mais alta em famílias muçulmanas que de outras culturas.

O parlamentar foi condenado ao pagamento de uma multa de acordo com as disposições de uma lei que determina como condição única de culpabilidade, independentemente da veracidade das afirmações — considerada irrelevante — que alguém se sinta ofendido por elas.

Os dinamarqueses têm que ter muito cuidadinho com o que dizem, não vá alguém fazer queixa por ofensa.
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Beyond Orwell: Islamo-Realism as Hate Speech in Denmark

December 12th, 2010 (1 hour ago) by Andrew Bostom |
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When it comes to criticism of Islam, and its votaries, Europe’s doctrinaire Left has engendered a ruling political class whose legally sanctioned excesses now go beyond what Orwell wrote about the (mere) vilification of critics of the Soviet system. Regarding Leftist attitudes towards those deemed “rabidly anti-Communist,” Orwell had observed the following:

The upshot is that if from time to time you express a mild distaste for slave-labor camps or one-candidate elections, you are either insane or actuated by the worst motives. In the same way when Henry Wallace is asked by a newspaper interviewer why he issues falsified versions of his speeches to the press, he replies: “So you must be one of those people who are clamoring for war with Russia.” There is the milder kind of ridicule that consists in pretending that reasoned opinion is indistinguishable from an absurd out-of-date prejudice. If you do not like Communism you are a Red-baiter.

My colleague, the journalist and historian Lars Hedegaard, President of The Free Press Society in Denmark, forwarded some introductory remarks, followed by Danish MP Jesper Langballe’s “guilty” plea for “hate speech”—more aptly Islamo-realistic speech—after Langballe was denied the right to prove his case.
Lars Hedegaard, it should be noted, is  also facing criminal trial followed by a libel suit for remarks he made in December 2009. His criminal trial takes place in Frederiksberg Court on January 24, 2011.

Translation: – the web magazine of the Danish Free Press Society
§ 266b of the Danish penal code states,
“Whoever publicly or with the intent of public dissemination issues a pronouncement or other communication by which a group of persons are threatened, insulted or denigrated due to their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation is liable to a fine or incarceration for up to two years.”
And here is what Jesper Langballe wrote that merited prosecution under the Danish penal code:
“Of course Lars Hedegaard should not have said that there are Muslim fathers who rape their daughters when the truth appears to be that they make due with killing their daughters (the so-called honour killings) and leave it to their uncles to rape them.”
[Lars Hedegaard’s introductory remarks]
On December 3, 2010 the municipal court in Randers, Denmark found the Danish Member of Parliament Jesper Langballe (Danish People’s Party) guilty of hate speech under Article 266b of the Danish penal code. In accordance with Danish legal precedent he was denied the opportunity to prove his allegation that honour killings and sexual abuse take place in Muslim families. Under Danish jurisprudence it is immaterial whether a statement is true or untrue. All that is needed for a conviction is that somebody feels offended. “With this article in the penal code,” commented Mr. Langballe, “I must be assumed convicted in advance. I have no intention of participateing in this circus. Therefore I confess.”
Mr. Langballe was sentenced to a fine of DKK 5,000 (approximately $1000) or ten days in jail. Here is a translation of Jesper Langballe’s full confession in court.
[Jesper Langballe’s “guilty plea"]
Here at the start of my trial I wish to make a statement that will probably allow us to get home early. My message is that I confess. I plead guilty. And I wish to state my reasons.
I have already expressed my regret that the tone of the newspaper piece that has lead to me being charged was too rash and sarcastic. It did not do justice to the deeply serious issue I addressed, i.e. the terrible honour killings that take place in some Muslim families where a young girl is being murdered by her father or brother because she has fallen in love with the “wrong” man. In Denmark there is an average of approximately one honour killing per year. In Turkey there is an average of one a day according to the Turkish authorities’ statistics.
In addition I have spoken about fathers who look the other way while uncles or cousins rape their daughters. That is a well attested fact. Suffice it to refer to Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s descriptions and here in Denmark to Kristina Aamund’s touching book Mødom på mode (Virginity in vogue) about young people in Muslim families.
That was the factual basis for the passage in my comment in Berlingske Tidende (a Copenhagen daily, ed.). As I am not a lawyer, I had been looking forward to an opportunity to prove my words and thus to shed light over the substance of my remarks – the horrific honour killings. That was why I – as opposed to the rest of my parliamentary group – voted in favour of lifting my immunity as a parliamentarian in order that the trial might go forward.
I have since learned that according to current legal usage defendants in cases brought under Article 266b are denied the right to prove their case. With this article in the penal code I must be assumed convicted in advance. I have no intention to participate in this circus. Therefore I confess. This will also ensure agreement between the verdict I shall be handed in a few moments and the unbecoming article in the penal code according to which I am convicted.
In addition I am facing a libel suit for the statements I am tried for today. An in a libel suit I shall have the opportunity to prove my words. Article 266b’s sole criterion of culpability, however, is whether someone feels offended or insulted – not whether what I have said is true or false. This must be said to be in full accordance with the general “culture of offence” that has taken root and which is so magnificently supported by Article 266b. In certain circles is has almost become a hobby to feel offended – by caricatures in a newspaper, by criticism of religion etc. etc.
Let my finally address the accusation that I have generalised – to the effect that my remarks might be seen to encompass every Muslim. That is a meaningless interpretation. The mentioning of honour killings in my text refers to the passage that “there are Muslim fathers who …” And the words “there are” can never express a totality but must always mean a subset. Let us assume – as a counter test – that I had written the opposite: “There are no Muslim fathers [who kill their daughters].” Any reasonably knowledgeable person would recognise this as a flagrant untruth.
To sum up: In the clear light of hindsight I do not like the tone in that passage. The truth of it, however, I stand by completely. And frankly, personally I find the case itself – those gruesome murders of innocent young girls – a good deal more relevant that the question of my failing stylistic abilities.

All Articles Copyright © 2007-2010 Dr. Andrew Bostom | All Rights Reserved
Printing is allowed for personal use only | Commercial usage(For Profit) is a copyright violation and written permission must be granted first.

Marine Le Pen denuncia a realidade dos açougues muçulmanos

Em absoluta discordância com a Front National na maioria das matérias, sou forçado a reconhecer que são dos poucos que têm coragem para abordar certos assuntos, neste caso, de quebrar o cordão sanitário que põe os muçulmanos a salvo do escrutínio das suas práticas religiosas.

Não são só os animais que são submetidos pelos soldados de Alá a tratamento desnecessariamente cruel: também os trabalhadores não-muçulmanos são descriminados por razões religiosas no negócio halal.
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La hija de Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine, ha arremetido con fuerza contra las carnicerías musulmanas que inavaden Francia, y ha puesto sobre la mesa la discriminación en la contratación de trabajadores ya que los no musulmanes no pueden tocar la carne halal.
Marine Le Pen, la hija del histórico político francés y candidata a su sucesión, ha abierto una guerra contra las carnicerías musulmanas, ya que estas discriminan a los trabajadores no musulmanes porque “los no musulmanes no pueden tocar la carne ‘halal’”.
“En una carnicería ‘halal’ solo pueden trabajar musulmanes porque de lo contrario harían impura la carne para los musulmanes”, agregó.
El animal debe estar mirando a La Meca y sin que éste haya sido previamente anestesiado de ninguna forma debe ser degollado por un musulmán, que antes de hacerlo pronuncia el nombre de Alá.
El negocio crece, con la participación de un creciente número de grandes superficies, sabedoras del potencial de un mercado de seis millones de musulmanes y 5.500 millones de euros anuales.