
Sharia na Suécia

Um árbitro de hóquei no gelo foi suspenso por ter publicado uma caricatura de Mafoma na sua página do Facebook.
Ou seja, as autoridades suecas castigam quem desrespeita a norma da sharia que penaliza as representações gráficas do profeta do islão.

Amplify’d from www.jihadwatch.org

Sharia in Sweden: Ice hockey referee suspended for Muhammad cartoon on Facebook

Hockey Referee suspended after caricature on Facebook

A Swedish ice hockey referee has been suspended after he published a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed on Facebook. According to Aftonbladet, even SAPO (the Swedish Intelligence Agency) has been brought into the matter....

According to anonymous sources SAPO has also been advised on the incident. Aftonbladet was unable to contact either the suspended referee or SAPO for comment.

Apparently it is now against the rules of the Swedish ice hockey league to draw pictures of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. Sharia comes to Sweden: here is an English translation of "Hockeydomare stängs av efter karikatyr på Facebook," from SvD, January 2 (thanks to Christer):

Read more at www.jihadwatch.org

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